PELLA, IOWA (September 12, 2022) — Central College's business-management program will expand its offerings to include business-analytics and teacher-education options as it prepares students for high-demand jobs of the future.

The business-analytics track prepares students to analyze large and complex data sets and, most importantly, to use written, oral, and visual communication skills to clearly communicate results. Courses enhance student exposure to complex data sets and the technological tools available to process them into usable information that will help make informed, data-driven decisions to improve businesses. Students will learn both applied-business and computer science to assist management in using data to improve bottom line.

Maggie Fisher Schlerman, associate professor of accounting and a 2002 graduate of Central, explains that students who succeed in business analytics are those who are comfortable with technology, including basic coding concepts in a variety of languages. They also tend to have a problem-solving mindset and a strong background in mathematics.

"Professionals with expertise in analytics are currently in high demand; demand is projected to increase indefinitely in the future," Schlerman says. "Analytics skills are in need across all business functions, from marketing research and operations to finance and accounting."

The secondary education track of the business management major is intended for students who wish to teach business courses at the high-school level.

"In Iowa there is a huge need for business educators to teach business management in secondary schools," Schlerman. "Central is excited to offer the secondary education in business."

Schlerman explains that students will major in business management with an emphasis area in secondary education. This ensures students will have fulfilled all coursework required by the State of Iowa to earn the secondary-education business-endorsement. Alongside business coursework, students in this track also take all required secondary education courses, which is like earning a double major.

"Students are highly encouraged to apply to Central Teaching Academy, a one-of-a-kind mentoring program that pairs teachers in training with experienced teachers," Schlerman says. "This provides extra experience in the classroom throughout the student's education. Typically, a student's final semester at Central will be spent student teaching, so all business coursework will be completed prior to the final semester."

"Students interested in both business and teaching are great candidates for business secondary education," Schlerman says. "Often, these are students interested in pursuing coaching opportunities as well."

Central College of Pella, Iowa, is a private, four-year liberal-arts college. Central is known for its academic rigor and leadership formation and for cultivating diversity of thought and culture through the arts and sciences, professional fields of study, and experiential learning.

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