Ben Gleib is star of NBC's new hit show "The REAL Wedding Crashers" and Fox's "The Gleib Show". He will be appearing in this season's "Last Comic Standing". Gleib has performed on CBS` "The Late Late Show" with Craig Ferguson," and performs weekly at the usually sold-out Collegehumor.com / National Lampoon Nite, every Wednesday at the Hollywood Improv, where he performs with Dave Chappelle, Dane Cook, Dave Attell, Sarah Silverman, and more.
See Ben Gleib co-starring Chris Smith May 10th through 12th at Penguin's Comedy Club. Tickets are available by calling (563) 324-5233 or by visiting www.penguinscomedyclub. Visit Ben's website for video clips and pictures at www.bengleib.com. For more information on NBC's "The REAL Wedding Crashers" visit http://www.nbc.com/The_Real_Wedding_Crashers/.