For months, political observers and handicappers have placed Iowa in the toss-up column for the 2012 Presidential election. This week, a memo from the Republican National Committee indicates Iowa will be squarely in play for 2012. Our state is 1of 9 President Obama won in 2008 but George Bush won in 2004.
The RNC memo describes the shifting landscape in Iowa as evidence that President Obama will have his work cut out for him when he returns to campaign. One staggering statistic for the incumbent is that since he took office, 1 in 10 Iowa Democrats has fled the party. During this time, Republicans have closed the registration gap for 27 consecutive months. Independents and Democrats alike understand that this administration's policies, from the failed stimulus bill to ObamaCare, have done nothing to revive our economy.
Beyond registrations, the RNC memo cites Iowa Republicans huge electoral gains in 2010 as cause for concern for the Obama Administration. With a Republican Governor and Republican controlled House, President Obama will find a much different political atmosphere in November of 2012.

Buy Straw Poll Tickets Online!
The Ames Straw Poll is 65 days away and interest in the event continues to bubble. Party staff is working overtime to make sure this event is a success. As part of that process, we have for the first time made tickets available to purchase online. Simply click on the link below to get your tickets securely online. We look forward to seeing you in Ames.

Grassley Continues Rigorous Oversight
Senator Grassley has always taken his constitutional role of oversight very seriously. As an elected representative, he has exposed waste, fraud and abuse in a effort to protect taxpayer dollars. He was on the case again this week, shedding light on unsatisfactory audits at the Department of Defense that leave "huge sums of money vulnerable to theft and waste."

Upcoming Dates
August 11-Iowa GOP/Fox News Presidential Debate
August 13- Ames Straw Poll
Governor Branstad Working "Hand in Hand" with Iowans
Takes common-sense budget ideas to 43 cities

Last November, voters rallied around Governor Branstad's message of working to create private sector jobs and restoring common-sense budgeting after years of reckless spending. Since taking office, Governor Branstad has offered a budget proposal that restores fiscal sanity to state government and helps establish a foundation for economic growth.

Earlier this week, the Governor Started his 43 city "Working Together for a Better Future" tour. He has spent this week listening to Iowans and advocating for budget that spends less than it takes in. By taking his message on the road, our Governor is working hand in hand with Iowans to craft a brighter future for our state.

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