Gene WeenMusic

Gene Ween

Rock Island Brewing Company

Thursday, September 8, 8:30 p.m.


You know how there are particular bands and performers you listen to when you're happy, and others that you listen to when you're sad, and others that you listen to when you're stuck in road-construction traffic and people are honking their horns and refusing to merge correctly and you need to hear something soothing before you rip the freakin' steering wheel off with your bare hands?!? (Not that, you know, any of us in the Quad Cities has ever experienced that feeling.)

Well, a genuine musician for all moods will soon be making a special Quad Cities appearance, as Gene Ween - a.k.a. Aaron Freeman, a.k.a. the co-originator of the alt-rock group Ween - plays a solo concert at the Rock Island Brewing Company on September 8.

As the lead vocalist for Ween - and also a noted guitar, percussion, and mandolin player - Gene certainly knows his way around different musical genres, with his uncategorizable band's output delving into such diverse genres and styles as experimental rock, country, 1960s British pop, neo-psychedelia, Broadway show tunes, and even sea shanties. And with Ween's music heard everywhere from prog-rock festivals to Old Navy commercials to movies as varied as The X-Files, Dude, Where's My Car?, and The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie, it's clear that Ween, and Gene Ween, offer at least a little something for everyone. And, I think it's fair to say, for every occasion.

When you're feeling romantic: "I Fell in Love Today," "Learnin' to Love," and "Stay Forever."

When you're feeling melancholy: "Tender Situation," "She Wanted to Leave," and "It's Gonna Be a Long Night."

When you have a little cold but know it could be worse: "Demon Sweat," "Mononucleosis," and "Spinal Meningitis Got Me Down."

And when you're starving but dieting and only want to think about food: "Pork Roll, Egg, & Cheese," "Candi," and "Bananas & Blow." Though maybe only listen to half of that last one.

A set with Chicago Farmer precedes Gene Ween's Rock Island performance, and more information on the night is available by calling (309)793-4060 or visiting



Tom Naab and Jamie Bauschka in Make Me a CowboyTheatre

Make Me a Cowboy

Playcrafters Barn Theatre

Friday, September 9, through Sunday, September 18


Yee-haw! Gather up, pardners, an' prepare yerselves fer the rootinest, tootinest evenin' o' Western music an' laughs this side o' the Mississippi, as the gals an' fellers at that ol' Playcrafters barn strap on their spurs an' take y'all on a ... !

Fine. I'm stopping now.

But it's a fair bet that plenty of theatre-goers will find it hard not to slip into an enthusiastic drawl after attending the Playcrafters Barn Theatre's Make Me a Cowboy, the Western-themed musical comedy running at the Moline venue from September 9 through 18. A musical so new that its cast recording was released just a few months ago, the Playcrafters production marks one of the first presentations of the show to be seen anywhere in the country, yet it's being directed by someone well familiar with its content: co-author Don Bryant Bailey.

Set in Kansas in the late 1880s, the musical finds its Jumpin' J Ranch on the brink of closure, a victim of the railroads that are forcing its cowboys out of the herding business. Yet the ranch's owner and his wealthy brother from St. Louis devise a way to keep the family afloat - by turning the Jumpin' J into a dude ranch, and raising money through performances of a knee-slappin', toe-tappin' musical revue.

As Make Me a Cowboy takes place on the first night of that revue, though, things naturally go haywire. Yet blended with the comedy of the evening's mishaps is the delivery of 15 songs showcasing the spirit of the West: seven written directly for the show, and eight traditional cowboy classics including such ditties as "By the Silvery Rio Grande," "Oh, Bury Me Not," and "Frog Went a Courtin'." (Which, having typed the title, is now going to be stuck in my head for hours.)

Boasting such familiar area performers as Mike Schmidt, Tom Naab, Jamie Bauschka, Nicholas Waldbusser, and Bryan Woods, Playcrafters' Make Me a Cowboy promises Western fun for audiences of all ages ... an' I'll be madder'n a prairie dog in heat if y'all don't rassle up some tickets an' git yerselves ... !

Man, once you get going it's really hard to stop.

Make Me a Cowboy runs Fridays and Saturdays at 7:30 p.m. and Sundays at 3 p.m., and tickets and information are available by calling (309)762-0330 or visiting



White RabbitsMusic

Daytrotter's Barnstormer 5 Tour

Codfish Hollow Barn

Saturday, September 3, 6:30 p.m.


The latest band tour hosted by the area Web site - Barnstormer 5 - climaxes with a September 3 concert held in rural Maquoketa, Iowa, and like Daytrotter's four previous tours, it promises an evening of musicians and acts you'd never expect to find near a rustic barn. Consequently, the Rock Island-based organization is proud to present a Saturday-night concert featuring White Rabbits, and Wildlife, and ... .

Wait a minute. Those sound exactly like things you'd expect to find near a rustic barn.

In any event, those ensembles are just two of the eight acclaimed independent-music outfits scheduled to play the Codfish Hollow Barn (located at 3437 288th Avenue in Maquoketa), in a night of sensational rock, pop, and folk with a decidedly down-home flavor. As the last stop on Daytrotter's late-summer 2011 tour, the event is sure to deliver fresh tunes, amidst the fresh air, to music aficionados of all stripes. But where do you fall in terms of indie-music fandom? Let's find out! Try matching the artist or artists performing at Barnstormer 5 with one of the songs they're most noted for:

1) Hacienda

2) Hundred Visions

3) Keegan DeWitt

4) Madi Diaz

5) Nona Marie & the Choir

6) Princeton

7) White Rabbits

8) Wildlife


A) "June: Brooklyn, New York"

B) "Sea Dreamer"

C) "Patsy Cline Song"

D) "The Light That Starts the Day"

E) "While We Go Dancing"

F) "Hear Me Crying"

G) "Tokyo, Japan"

H) "Nothing at All"


Tickets to the Barnstormer 5 concert are $20 in advance and $25 at the door, and more information is available by e-mailing or visiting For an interview with Keegan DeWitt, click here.

Answers: 1 - F, 2 - D, 3- A, 4 - H, 5 - C, 6 - G, 7 - E, 8 - B. Did you get 'em all right? Nice! You're the perfect audience for Barnstormer 5! Did you get 'em all wrong? Nice! You're the perfect audience for Barnstormer 5 ... so you can learn a little something, for Pete's sake!



Classical Mystery TourMusic

Riverfront Pops Featuring Classical Mystery Tour

LeClaire Park

Saturday, September 10, 6:30 p.m.


"So what's the last dream you remember, Mike?"

"It happened yesterday, doc. In my golden slumbers, I was walking down the long and winding road to Penny Lane, but I had to carry that weight of the savoy truffle I got from Lady Madonna. And then I saw her standing there! My love! Eleanor Rigby!"

"Yeah, I think I know where this is leading already ... ."

"I wanted us to come together and twist and shout, but after a hard day's night, you've got to hide your love away. So I just thought, 'Ob-la-di, ob-la-da ... live and let die,' and all that."

"Right ... ."

"But then I thought, 'She's leaving home, and here comes the sun, and besides, all you need is love!' So I shouted, 'Eleanor! I've got to get you into my life! Maybe I'm amazed, but I've written all these silly love songs for you, and I want you to let 'em in!' And you know what she said, doc?"


"'Hey, Jude!' Even though she knew it was me. Isn't that something? Imagine."


"So what does it mean?"

"Well, since you've just referenced 26 songs performed either by the Beatles or individual Beatles, my guess is that your mind is on the Quad City Symphony Orchestra's annual Riverfront Pops concert, taking place in LeClaire Park on September 10."

"But what would that have to do with Beatles songs?"

"This year, the Riverfront Pops guests are the performers of Classical Mystery Tour, the acclaimed Beatles tribute act that the Los Angeles Times called 'more than just an incredible simulation,' and that performs songs from the Fab Four's repertoire with full symphonic accompaniment - just like the accompaniment provided by conductor Mark Russell Smith's Quad Cities orchestra."

"Of course, doc - that's it! Thank you! Where would I be without a little help from my friends?!"

"You're still naming Beatles songs, Mike."

"Good night, doc!"

"You're still doing it."

"Sorry. I swear that's the end."

"Not quite, apparently."


Tickets to September 10's Riverfront Pops featuring Classical Mystery Tour are $20, with reduced prices for groups of 15 or more and children 12 and under admitted free, and more information is available by calling (563)322-7276 or visiting



Fall Guide Calendar Articles


Blue Man GroupEvents

Adler Theatre

September through December


One of Young Frankenstein's show-stoppers, of course, is the Irving Berlin classic "Puttin' on the Ritz," the chorus for which begins, "If you're blue and you don't know where to go to ... ." If you're a blue man, however, you know exactly where to go: Davenport's Adler Theatre. On September 10 and 11, the comically, musically, and technologically innovative Blue Man Group will make eagerly awaited return appearances, and to our area's good fortune, this worldwide phenomenon is just one of numerous big-ticket events scheduled for the Adler's fall season. Arriving a few days after the cobalt-hued performers, the platinum-selling, Grammy-nominated musicians of Little Big Town will grace the Davenport stage on September 17, wowing country fans with such smash hits as "Boondocks," "Bring It on Home," and "Good as Gone." In tandem with the Adler's fall season, the Quad City Symphony Orchestra will open its new season with three concerts in the ensemble's Masterworks series, subtitled "Beethoven 5" (on October 1), "Poems on Fate" (on November 5), and "Concerti for Celli" (on December 3). A smash TV series on Nick Jr. is brought to stage life with the floppy-eared antics of Max & Ruby: Bunny Party (October 6), while one of theatre's musical greats is given a glorious new staging in October 30's touring production of My Fair Lady, which will no doubt have you humming "The Rain in Spain," "On the Street Where You Live" and "I Could Have Danced All Night" all night long. And on November 13, the Davenport venue is proud to host the area premiere of the Tony-nominated musical smash (and this is actually the title) The New Mel Brooks Musical Young Frankenstein, based on the legendary comic auteur's equally legendary horror spoof. One of Young Frankenstein's show-stoppers, of course, is the Irving Berlin classic "Puttin' on the Ritz," the chorus for which begins, "If you're blue and you don't know where to go to.. ." If you're a blue man, however ... . Wait a minute. Did we just enter a calendar-article infinite loop here? For more information on all of the Adler Theatre's fall events, visit




i wireless Center

September through November


Arriving for two i wireless Center performances on October 21, the latest Disney Live! tour finds a hugely popular animated series coming to life in the magical stage adventure Phineas & Ferb: The Best Live Tour Ever. I admire their moxie, but are Phineas and Ferb trying to pick a fight at the Moline venue? 'Cause a few of the i wireless Center's other guests this fall just might have something to say about that "best live tour ever" claim. From September 1 to 4, for instance, the Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus will celebrate a milestone anniversary with the sensational acrobats, goofy clowns, and amazing animals of Barnum 200 - Barnum's FUNundrum. More than a few country-music fans are sure to be blown away by the October 6 concert with Reba, whose astonishing list of musical accomplishments - induction in the Country Music Hall of Fame, 64 top-10 singles, recognition with a National Artistic Achievement award by the U.S. Congress - makes a last name superfluous. (Fine. It's McEntire.) And boasting sales of more than 100 million albums, to say nothing of such seminal pop hits as "Hard to Say I'm Sorry," "You're the Inspiration," and "Hard Habit to Break," certainly the musicians of Chicago can make an argument for that "best live tour ever" boast, as audiences will likely attest on October 7. Not all of the i wireless Center's fall happenings however, will be of a touring nature. On October 29, such famed Olympic athletes as Elvis Stojko, Joannie Rochette, and Jonathan Horton will demonstrate their astounding abilities in the Progressive Skating & Gymnastics Spectacular, scheduled for broadcast on NBC in January, and with Olympic champions Peggy Fleming, Nadia Comaneci, and Bart Connor serving as hosts. And one of the Quad Cities' most treasured traditions - the Quad City Symphony Orchestra's Holiday Pops - will take place on November 19, with special guests including Olympic ice skater Todd Eldridge and acclaimed trumpet player (and Quad City Arts Visiting Artist) John Faddis. You know, I just realized something: The Phineas & Ferb show is set at the end of summer vacation, and Holiday Pops is a celebration of the Christmas season, meaning that at the i wireless Center, at least, it's going to change from summer to winter in less than a month. Sounds about right for the Quad Cities. For more information on the Moline venue's autumnal events, visit



Hubbard Street 2Events

Hancher Auditorium Presentations

September through November


You're familiar with the 12 Days of Christmas, right? Well, you can now mark your calendar with the 12 Days of Fall, as Iowa City's Hancher Auditorium has a full roster of fantastic events - held at numerous area venues - lined up for its Visiting Artists series this autumn. The entertainment begins with a September 4 performance by the hoofers of Hubbard Street Dance Chicago on the Hancher Green, to be followed by the Space/Place Theatre's September 22 and 23 concerts with the talents of Hubbard Street 2. More thrilling dance will be on display in November 1's Paul Taylor Dance Company presentation at Iowa City's West High School, and dancing in the aisles will no doubt occur in the September 29 concert at Iowa City's The Mill, a "Club Hancher" night with acclaimed jazz organist Joey DeFrancesco. Music of a more classical nature can be heard in Iowa City High School's Opstad Auditorium concert with the Academy of St. Martin in the Field Chamber Ensemble on October 2, the St. Mary's Catholic Church presentation with the National Chamber Choir of Ireland on October 20, and the Riverside Recital Hall's booking of the American String Quartet and Maia String Quartet on November 18. Exhilarating tunes will boast international flavors with the electro-Colombian beats of Bomba Estéreo, performing at the U of I's Iowa Memorial Union on September 15, and the soaring Mongolian folk music of AnDa Union, arriving at Iowa City's Englert Theatre on October 27. The Englert will also play host to the awe-inspiring feats of the National Acrobats of the People's Republic of China on October 19. And tying up Hancher's autumnal schedule with a seasonal bow, November 27 will find the Carver-Hawkeye Arena the locale for the 2011 Holiday Pops Tour featuring the Boston Pops Esplanade Orchestra and the miraculous vocal musicians of Rockapella. That's quite a kickoff to Hancher Auditorium's 2011-12 Visiting Artist series - and again, a kickoff so jam-packed that the venue's schedulers have left me no room to end with a joke. I'm starting to think they're doing it on purpose. For more information on Hancher's season, visit



Pierre Edugene's The FeastExhibits

Figge Art Museum

September through January


These days, it's often difficult to think of posters as works of art, perhaps because so many of them seem to find us staring at the self-satisfied visages of Ryan Reynolds or the Smurfs or what have you. But once upon a time, posters were actually artistic outlets for such world-class talents as Pierre Bonnard, Alphonse Mucha, Jan Troop, and Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec, whose lithographic accomplishments can be seen in the latest exhibit at the Figge Art Museum, Turn of the Century Posters from the Krannert Art Museum Collection. On display from September 3 through January 8, this installation from the Krannert's permanent collection will demonstrate how artists utilized the various characteristics of lithography for different purposes - everything from ads for lamp oil and bicycles to promotion for cabaret performances at the Moulin Rouge - and is one of three exhibits opening at the Davenport art museum this fall. September 17 brings with it pieces from the Figge's extensive Haitian collection in Restoring the Spirit: Celebrating Haitian Art. On display through January 29, the exhibition will pay homage to Haiti's longstanding visual traditions - and the indomitable artistic spirit of its people - through vibrant paintings, sequin-covered textiles, sculptures, wood carvings, and beautiful works in many other media. And on display from September 14 through January 14, works by the Brooklyn-based contemporary artist Aurora Robson will have a Figge home in the traveling exhibit Everything, All at Once, Forever. With Robson's pieces addressing the pervasive presence of environmental pollutants in our waterways, the exhibit is an installation of new sculptures reminiscent of marine life, created specifically for the Davenport venue and featuring aesthetically stunning objects formed from everyday waste such as discarded plastic bottles, plastic bags, bottle caps, and other forms of debris. I really should invite Robson to my apartment some day. She'd likely find artwork supplies to last her years. For more on the Figge Art Museum's fall exhibits, activities, and classes, call (563)326-7804, or visit



Jon FaddisMusic

Quad City Arts Visiting Artists

September through November


With the arrival of fall, of course, comes the beginning of a new season in the Quad City Arts Visiting Artists series. And with an autumn docket featuring performances by a jazz trumpet player, a string quartet, and a cellist, you may think it's business as usual at Quad City Arts. Oh, but trust me: The business this fall is anything but usual. Take, for instance, the residency of jazz trumpeter Jon Faddis, whose public performance will find him guesting at the i wireless Center's Holiday Pops concert on November 19. Not only has the worldwide-touring artist also directed the Grammy-winning United Nation Orchestra and served as artistic director for the Chicago Jazz Ensemble, but no less a jazz legend than Dizzy Gillespie once said of the man, "He's the best ever - including me!" Then consider the chamber musicians of the Calder Quartet, appearing - in a collaboration with the Quad City Symphony Orchestra's chamber series - at Davenport's Putnam Museum on October 22. Yes, they're a classically trained ensemble, but how many string quartets can you name that have performed alongside such indie-rock bands as the Airborne Toxic Event and Vampire Weekend, and have been musical guests on The Tonight Show with Conan O'Brien, The Late Show with David Letterman, and Late Night with Jimmy Kimmel? As for cellist Dave Eggar, scheduled to play St. Ambrose University's Galvin Fine Arts Center on September 24, he certainly has a classical pedigree, with his degrees from Harvard University and Juilliard, and his credits with the Metropolitan Opera and at Carnegie Hall. Yet he's also performed and recorded with the likes of The Who, Josh Groban, Pearl Jam, Beyonce, Carly Simon, Sinead O'Connor, Bon Jovi, and Hannah Montana, and in Eggar's Balance in Two Worlds for Quad City Arts, he'll share the stage with musicians in his quartet and Shihan Kai Leung and Sensei James Luk for a match-up between classical music and the martial arts. So yeah, this fall's Visiting Artist series looks to be a major kick ... to say nothing of a flip, roll, and jumping roundhouse. For more information on the 2011-12 Visiting Artist series, call (309)793-1213 or visit



Family Fun Guide Quizzes


Little House on the PrairieTimeless Truths: Stories from Little House on the Prairie

Moline Public Library

Saturday, September 10, 10 a.m.


In the presentation "Timeless Truths: Stories from Little House on the Prairie," Mary Tschopp - dressed as Laura Ingalls Wilder - will read stories from the author's Little House books to listeners ages five and older. The Ingalls were a big clan; try unscrambling the first names of some of the family members.













Answers: 1 - MARY, 2 - LAURA, 3 - GRACE, 4 - CARRIE, 5 - ALBERT, 6 - CHARLES, 7 - CAROLINE, 8 - CASSANDRA.



Junie B. JonesJunie B. in Jingle Bells, Batman Smells

Circa '21 Dinner Playhouse

Friday, November 25, through Saturday, December 31


The popular grade-school character Junie B. Jones returns to Circa '21 in the holiday presentation Junie B. in Jingle Bells, Batman Smells, two years after the theatre staged the family show Junie B. Jones & a Little Monkey Business. To date, Junie B. has appeared in more than two dozen children's books by author Barbara Park; try filling in the missing word in the following titles.


1) Junie B. Jones and the Stupid Smelly _____.

A) Bus

B) Bathroom

C) Brother


2) Junie B. Jones Is a Beauty Shop _____.

A) Beauty

B) Nightmare

C) Guy


3) Junie B. Jones Loves Handsome _____.

A) Ricardo

B) Warren

C) Phillip Johnny Bob


4) Junie B. Jones Smells Something _____.

A) Funny

B) Fishy

C) Awful


5) Junie B. Jones & the Yucky Blucky _____.

A) Fruitcake

B) Assignment

C) Hairdo


6) Junie B. Jones Is Not a _____.

A) Child

B) Monster

C) Crook




Answers - 1 - A, 2 - C, 3 - B, 4 - B, 5 - A, 6 - C.



Disney Live! Presents Three Classic Fairy TalesDisney Live! Presents Three Classic Fairy Tales

Peoria Civic Center

Sunday, November 13, 1 & 4 p.m.


Disney Live! Presents Three Classic Fairy Tales is a stage show that finds such favorite Disney characters as Mickey and Minnie Mouse, Donald Duck, and Goofy acting out the fairy-tale adventures of Snow White & the Seven Dwarfs, Cinderella, and Beauty & the Beast. Try matching the following songs to the animated movie in which they were first heard.


1) "Some Day My Prince Will Come"

2) "Something There"

3) "Heigh Ho"

4) "A Dream Is a Wish Your Heart Makes"

5) "Bibbidi-Bobbidi Boo"

6) "Be Our Guest"

7) "Whistle While You Work"

8) "The Work Song"

9) "The Mob Song"


A) Snow White & the Seven Dwarfs

B) Cinderella

C) Beauty & the Beast




Answers: 1 - A, 2 - C, 3 - A, 4 - B, 5 - B, 6 - C, 7 - A, 8 - B, 9 - C.



The Wizard of OzThe Wizard of Oz

Davenport Junior Theatre

Saturday, October 22, through Sunday, October 30


L. Frank Baum's children's-book classic The Wonderful Wizard of Oz was, of course, turned into a cinematic classic with the 1939 movie starring Judy Garland. Try your best at some trivia from the famed Judy Garland film.


1) What is Dorothy's first line in the movie?

A) "Did she hurt you, Toto?"

B) "Is she coming, Toto?"

C) "Auntie Em!"


2) What is the first name of Miss Gulch, who turns into the Wicked Witch?

A) Alma

B) Elmira

C) Elvira


3) When Glinda asks Dorothy if she's a witch, Dorothy replies that witches are "_______."

A) Mean and old

B) Old and ugly

C) Ugly and green


4) What is the name of the leader of the winged monkeys?

A) Dinko

B) Nicky

C) Nikko


5) Who are the guards that surround the Wicked Witch's castle?

A) Greenmen

B) Minions

C) Winkies


6) What are the words written on the side of the Wizard's hot-air balloon?

A) State Fair Omaha

B) The Nebraska Flyer

C) Kansas Bound




Answers - 1 - A, 2 - B, 3 - B, 4 - C, 5 - C, 6 - A.



BrazilChildren's Day: Global Gathering - Brazil

Bettendorf Public Library

Wednesday, October 12, 4 p.m.


Among the events in the "Global Gathering" program at the Bettendorf library will be a presentation designed for kids, featuring entertaining activities specific to this fall's featured country: Brazil. Before the program starts, see how you fare at some Brazil-themed trivia.


1) What is the capital of Brazil?

A) Brasilia

B) Rio de Janeiro

C) Sao Paulo


2) What is the largest Brazilian city in terms of population?

A) Brasilia

B) Rio de Janeiro

C) Sao Paulo


3) Where is the famous Copacabana beach located?

A) Brasilia

B) Rio de Janeiro

C) Sao Paulo


4) On what night of the week does the Carnival celebration end?

A) Sunday

B) Monday

C) Tuesday


5) When did Brazil become an independent country?

A) 1822

B) 1874

C) 1910


6) When did Brazil win its first soccer World Cup?

A) 1947

B) 1958

C) 1969




Answers - 1 - A, 2 - C, 3 - B, 4 - C, 5 - A, 6 - B.



What Else Is Happenin'...?: Thursday, September 1, through Wednesday, September 14



Friday, September 2 - Joe Robinson. Twenty-year-old Australian guitar sensation in concert, with opener Alan Sweet. The Redstone Room (129 Main Street, Davenport). 9 p.m. $12-15. For information and tickets, call (563)326-1333 or visit For an interview with Robinson, visit

Friday, September 2 - Eddie Money. Chart-topping singer of "Two Tickets to Paradise" and "Baby Hold on" in concert. Quad-Cities Waterfront Convention Center (1777 Isle Parkway, Bettendorf). 7:30 p.m. $25-35. For information and tickets, call (800)724-5825 or visit

Friday, September 2, through Sunday, September 4 - 2011 Barnes Family Bluegrass Festival. Annual festival featuring a half-dozen bluegrass bands, workshops, vendors, and more. Mercer County Fairgrounds (Southwest 12th Avenue, Aledo). Friday 7 p.m. start, $15; Saturday 10 a.m. start, $20; Sunday 11 a.m. start, $10. $37 weekend pass, ages 16 and under free with parent. For information and tickets, visit

Saturday, September 3 - Festival of Praise. Outdoor concert presented by High Praise Unlimited, featuring performances by the David Crowder Band and Charlie Hall. LeClaire Park (River Drive and Ripley Street, Davenport). 7 p.m. $20-25, ages 12 and under free. For information and tickets, call (563)359-7617 or visit

Sunday, September 4 - Tanya Tucker. Concert with the legendary country-music star. Riverside Casino & Golf Resort (3184 Highway 22, Riverside). 8 p.m. $30-40. For tickets and information, call (877)677-3456 or visit

Thursday, September 8 - Joe Scalissi: Capturing the Spirit of Dean Martin. Concert performances with the "Rat Pack" legend's noted look- and sound-alike. Circa '21 Dinner Playhouse (1828 Third Avenue, Rock Island). Noon lunch, 1 p.m. performance, $41.18; 6 p.m. buffet, 7:15 p.m. performance, $47.43. For tickets and information, call (309)786-7733 extension 2 or visit

Saturday, September 10 - The Doug Gabriel Show. Branson-style music, dance, and comedy with musician Gabriel and his family and friends. Ohnward Fine Arts Center (1215 East Platt Street, Maquoketa). 7 p.m. $13-25. For information and tickets, call (563)652-9815 or visit

Saturday, September 10 - Janis Ian. Legendary folk singer/songwriter in concert. Englert Theatre (221 East Washington Street, Iowa City). 8 p.m. $25. For tickets and information, call (319)688-2653 or visit

Saturday, September 10 - Iowa Women's Music Festival. Concert featuring performances by Angie Pierce Jennings, Camille Bloom, Lindsay Mac & the Boom Booms, Jami Sieber with Natalie Brown, Pieta Brown, Bo Ramsey, and Dawn Drake & ZapOte. Upper City Park (Dubuque Road and Park Street, Iowa City). Noon-5:30 p.m. Free admission. For information, call (319)335-1486 or visit

Saturday, September 10, and Sunday, September 11 - Blue Man Group. Music, comedy, and high-tech wonders with the popular touring artists. Adler Theatre (136 East Third Street, Davenport). Saturday 7:30 p.m., Sunday 1 and 5 p.m. $35-65. For tickets, call (800)745-3000 or visit

Wednesday, September 14 - An Evening with Judy Collins. Legendary folk singer in concert. Englert Theatre (221 East Washington Street, Iowa City). 8 p.m. $40. For tickets and information, call (319)688-2653 or visit



Thursday, September 8, through Saturday, September 10 - Touch. Relationship drama by Toni Press-Coffman, directed by theatre major Val Zawanda. Galvin Fine Arts Center Studio Theatre (2101 Gaines Street, Davenport). Thursday and Friday 7:30 p.m., Saturday 3 p.m. $6 at the door. For information, call (563)333-6251 or visit



Sunday, September 4 - Hubbard Street Dance Chicago. An outdoor performance with the ground-breaking contemporary-dance troupe, and a presentation in the Hancher Auditorium Visiting Artists series. University of Iowa's Hancher Green (Riverside Drive and Park Road, Iowa City). 7 p.m. Free admission. For information, call (319)335-1160 or visit



Saturday, September 3, through Sunday, January 8 - Turn of the Century: Posters from the Krannert Art Museum Collection. Exhibit featuring works by Pierre Bonnard, Alphonse Mucha, Jan Toorop, Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec, and others, illustrating how artists utilized lithography for different purposes. Figge Art Museum (225 West Second Street, Davenport). Tuesday-Saturday 10 a.m.-5 p.m., Thursday 10 a.m.-9 p.m., Sunday noon-5 p.m. Free with $4-7 museum admission. For information, call (563)326-7804 or visit

Saturday, September 10, and Sunday, September 11 - Fall Beaux Arts Fair. Annual juried fine-art and crafts fair with musical entertainment, a childrens' art-project area, a food court, and more. Figge Art Museum Plaza (225 West Second Street, Davenport). Saturday 10 a.m.-5 p.m., Sunday 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Free admission. For information, e-mail or visit

Wednesday, September 14, through Saturday, January 14 - Everything, All at Once, Forever. Exhibit featuring an installation of new plastic-debris sculptures by Brooklyn-based contemporary artist Aurora Robson. Figge Art Museum (225 West Second Street, Davenport). Tuesday-Saturday 10 a.m.-5 p.m., Thursday 10 a.m.-9 p.m., Sunday noon-5 p.m. Free with $4-7 museum admission. For information, call (563)326-7804 or visit



Saturday, September 3 - The Second City National Touring Company. Noted sketch-comedy and improvisational comedians in concert. Augustana College's Centennial Hall (3703 Seventh Avenue, Rock Island). 8 p.m. $8. For tickets and information, call (309)794-7306 or visit



Thursday, September 1, through Sunday, September 4 - Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus: Barnum 200. The latest installment of "The Greatest Show on Earth." i wireless Center (1201 River Drive, Moline). Thursday-Saturday 7 p.m., Saturday 11 a.m. and 3 p.m., Sunday 1 and 5 p.m. Thursday $11 tickets, Friday-Sunday $13-65 tickets. For tickets, call (800)745-3000 or visit

Saturday, September 3 - Labor Day Ride for Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma. Seventh-annual motorcycle ride, with proceeds to benefit research at the American Cancer Society for Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma. Daiquiri Factory (1809 Second Avenue, Rock Island). 11 a.m.-1 p.m. sign-in; last bike in at 6 p.m. $10. For information and to register, call (309)283-1809 or visit

Saturday, September 3, and Sunday, September 4 - 2011 Rock Island Grand Prix. Seventeenth-annual independent kart-racing event, with vendors, family activities, and more. District of Rock Island. 8:30 a.m.-6 p.m. Free admission. For information, call (309)788-6311 or visit

Saturday, September 10 - Walk to End Alzheimer's. Featuring a two-mile walk, live entertainment, sponsor booths, and a special tribute to those who have experienced or are experiencing Alzheimer's. i wireless Center (1201 River Drive, Moline). 8 a.m. registration, 9 a.m. ceremony and walk. For registration information, call (563)324-1022 or visit

Thursday, September 8 - Senior Citizen Riverfront Golf Cart Tour. River Action hosts the 12th-annual event featuring tours of the Davenport and Rock Island riverfronts, Arsenal Island, the Ben Butterworth Parkway, and Rapids City through Port Byron to Cordova. Tour times from 9-11a.m., 11:30am-1:30 p.m., and 2-4 p.m. $12.50 per tour. For information, call (563)322-2969 or visit

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