Unnatural Clouds Over Erie, Illinois, October 17, 2024
Local artist and friend John Bald reached out to me several months ago and said, “Todd, we have to do something about what they are spraying us with in the skies! Have you seen this?” Of course I have seen it, I told John. We published articles about the dangers of geoengineering (a.k.a. chemtrails) more than 13 years ago. (See the 2011 review of G. Edward Griffin's What in the World Are They Spraying?) Then shortly thereafter, another artist friend of mine, Eric Mart, started blowing up my phone with text messages and photos of the skies over eastern Iowa, and demands such as, “This shit has to stop!” And then, yet another artist friend of mine, Karen Blomme, saw me taking a video of the fallout of recent spray pattern settling over downtown Davenport and she came up to me and explained, “Whenever they spray the skies, I have a hard time breathing. It's getting really bad.” The artists must be the more sensitive and observant types, eh?
Bald was persistent enough that he coerced me into a meeting over a pint and shared with me that there was a group of concerned citizens in Jefferson County, Iowa, who had started a petition drive to create awareness with Iowa state legislators so Iowa could pass a law that banned spraying Iowa's skies, fields, and citizens with chemicals. He likened the effort to the 1970s-era law that Kansas passed making it illegal to serve alcohol on a plane while flying over Kansas' state jurisdiction. “This should be a 10th Amendment state's rights issue,” John said. Moreover, he said, “This is apolitical. No one should care if you're a Democrat or a Republican. If someone is pissing down your leg or polluting in your back yard, you stand up and make it stop!”
Turns out there have been a dozen states who have tried to pass such legislation, including Illinois. And to date, only one has succeeded in getting the legislation passed: Tennessee.
Of course, when one browses legacy lame-stream media coverage of such a topic, the “news” and analysis is laden with “conspiracy theorists” say this or say that. And that such a bill banned something that “does not exist.”
Well, don't take my word for it. Take the word of the congressional committees and subcommittees that have produced white papers on this topic for years. There are troves of videos online showcasing think tanks and scientists discussing geoengineering, and the various forms such world wide programs have been running including: Cloud Seeding, Weather Modification, Solar Radiation Modification (SRM), and Stratospheric Aerosol Injection (SAI). Go to Zerogeoengineering.com and one cannot miss the U.S. government and World Health Organization source documents reviewing the pros and cons of such programs. Most of these documents conclude that we don't really know for certain if these missions are helping or hurting our planet's health and those of us who inhabit Earth.
Air Force Whistleblower from 2012
Look up Kristen Meghan, the Air Force whistleblower whose job was to be the environmental watchdog for the military's activities, the equivalent to OSHA and the EPA, but inside the Air Force. Listen to her impassioned statements from 2012 regarding Air Force form 3952. X.com/ArianePage/status/1848034469204128042 She explains how she was finding large quantities of aluminum, barium, and strontium in the forms of oxides and sulfates in their inventories. Listen to her explain her air and soil sampling and how she was getting high levels of these contaminants and how she was demonized by her superiors for asking such questions. Listen to Meghan explain that of all the freedoms we are losing, geoengineering is the number-one issue we are facing, because no matter how well-prepared you are or how much money you have, if one does not have food and water and one is dying of respiratory and neurological illnesses, what does it matter? Listen to Meghan explain how people's concerns about vaccines, smart meters, and other issues like fracking are all systemic effects of getting overexposed to toxins. Listen to Meghan explain how water fluoridation advocates will tell you, yes, we're putting a toxin in the water, but it's not a lot. She accurately states, “It is a lot. The toxin is in everything, our food our water and in our vaccines. It's a coupled systemic effect and our bodies cannot metabolize these toxins.” She goes on to explain how she does not care how many friends or family members ostracize her because she took an oath, and until she blew the whistle, she was not able to uphold her oath to the people.
RFK's Interview with Dane Wigington in 2023 & The Dimming
For a more recent analysis of geoengineering, one can watch RFK Jr.'s hour long podcast where he interviews the world's foremost expert on geoengineering, Dane Wigington, in June of 2023. RFK states, “The issue of climate change is a real thing but it has been hijacked and captured by the World Economic Forum and Bill Gates. They aggravate the problem and then sell us the solution,” that only further exasperates the problem, not help it. Wigington, who publishes books, videos, the Web site GeoengineeringWatch.org, and recently completed the documentary The Dimming, started his research more than 20 years ago. He manages a wildlife preserve in Lake Shasta, California, and was having a hard time getting his solar panel systems to absorb sunlight for alternate green energy. That's when he started diving into what was happening in our atmosphere without our consent. He states, “The paradox and irony is that the global power structure thinks they can counter the damage we've done to our planet by altering the planet's life systems by selling us even more intervention as a form of a cure. Much like the pharmaceutical complex does. There cannot be any legitimate discussion about the state of our climate until we address first and foremost geoengineering and that the state of the climate is even worse than we are being and told and climate engineering is further fueling that process, not mitigating it.” Watch it here: GeoengineeringWatch.org/us-presidential-candidate-robert-f-kennedy-jr-and-dane-wigington-is-climate-engineering-real/ During this podcast, clips from the documentary The Dimming are played, and expertly back up their analysis. The receipts are readily available to anyone who wishes to take the time to open their brain pan and learn. It's important to chew your information before you swallow it, especially when establishment types dismiss your concerns as “conspiracy theories.”
NCIS – New Orleans 2018 Season 5 Episode 2
How in the world can they get away with this, one must ask. Surely, we can track who is spraying right? Well, wrong. Try using one of the apps that track planes on your phone and point it to a plane that is clearly spraying a trail that goes from horizon to horizon. It won't come up. Pop culture, TV, and Hollywood always telegraph what is really going on behind the scenes, especially in spy and law enforcement dramas. One such show happened to be on the other day in the background and I caught this passage during an NCIS episode: “He also accessed a classified joint DOD-FAA file. Government transponder codes, every aircraft has one, even military and classified planes. DOD provides their codes to the FAA so they won't have to interact with any civilian air traffic control. Smith could spoof a DOD classified transponder, and fly anywhere without being stopped or tracked. All he needs is a plane and a trained pilot.”
Wigington goes to great pains to explain that many of the commercial pilots are unknowingly delivering these payloads to the skies in their normal routes because the dispersants are inside the fuel themselves. He provides technical illustrations on how that process works and has gone to great lengths and expense to be able to defend his allegations. He also states that many pilots involved feel they are doing the right thing even if it is being done covertly. “They think they are James Bond,” he says.
The good news is that there is a group of concerned citizens in Iowa who have launched a petition drive at the Web site ClearSkiesIowa.com. The organizers report that they have more than 1,250 signatures so far from dozens of counties across the entire state. The Web site is loaded with excellent information, including a summary of the dozen states' efforts to legislate this dangerous practice. Iowa District 87's state representative Jeff Shipley has been in contact with the petition organizers and has advised them that with 5,000 or so petitions, he and several other lawmakers who have shown interest, will have the public support to introduce legislation in the 2025 session. Shipley says that they would need the petitions by mid January in order to have bill drafted by mid February to introduce into various committees on the first funnel cycle. When I spoke to Shipley about this project, he was very enthusiastic and focused on learning what has worked and not worked in other states. “It's a topic that is getting more attention, finally,” he said. “It's hidden in plain sight. Anyone who is not brain dead can look up and say, 'What's that?!' Shipley said that fellow legislators Helena Hayes (Jefferson, Mahaska and Keokuk counties) and Eddie Andrews (Polk County) are hearing about this a lot from constituents are standing ready to assist in 2025. Shipley said he has reached out to Congresswoman Miller-Meeks' office and Senator Grassley's office and has heard back from Grassley, and now that the election is over, he will be following up with both federal legislators to cultivate alignment on this issue. I asked Shipley what his response would be to an adversary on this topic who stated something like, “We are doing this for your own good. We have to do this to stop climate change!” He replied that if we find someone who acknowledges that, this is a good thing and big progress towards evaluating the problem.” Additionally, Shipley stated, “ If harmful geoengineering is not really happening, then there should be no problem banning harmful geoengineering, before it occurs, right?” Or as John Bald puts it, “Usually when a government entity is doing something that is beneficial and successful and good for the people, they boast about it and publicize it. And you don't hear a peep about this from our government.” Here are some additional resources: ClimateViewer.com, InPowerMovement.org, and SaveOurSkies.org.