324 Main Street in downtown Davenport
Publisher's Note: On Sunday evening, May 28, 2023, six stories of the west wall of the building known as The Davenport at 324 Main Street in downtown Davenport collapsed. Three people lost their lives in the tragedy. There is much controversy about city inspections, accountability and the building's owner Andrew Wold. Numerous lawsuits are in play. The building was originally a hotel built in 1907, had more than 50 tenants renting at the time of the collapse, and has since been demolished. Below, we publish the updates the city of Davenport chief strategy officer Sarah Ott issued to local and national media, in the order in which they were released.
Monday, May 29, 2023, 12:28PM – On Monday, May 29, 2023 at approximately 9:45am, the Davenport Fire Department transitioned to a recovery operation at 324 Main Street and turned control of the site over to the Davenport Development and Neighborhood Services Department.
The owner of the property has been served with a notice and order for demolition of the property. The property is currently being secured by a contractor on site this afternoon and demolition is expected to commence in the morning.
Due to the unstable condition of the property, and in the interest of public safety, residents will not be allowed back into the building. Residents who have been displaced can receive assistance through the Red Cross and Salvation Army. Contact information is below: Red Cross | 1-800-REDCROSS
Salvation Army | 100 Kirkwood Blvd | 563-324-4808 | Open 8:30am-4:00pm Tuesday-Friday this week
Community members wishing to make donations to those in need can do so through the Quad Cities Community Foundation or through the Salvation Army.
The Quad Cities Community Foundation has opened the Quad Cities Disaster Recovery fund to assist residents who have been displaced. Those wishing to donate to the fund can do so at www.qccommunityfoundation.org/qcdisasterrecovery
Davenport Salvation Army will be assisting in collection of donations for residents that have been displaced. Donations may be dropped off at 4001 North Brady Street.
Sarah Ott, Chief Strategy Officer | Administration City of Davenport
May 29 9:25PM – The Davenport Police Department and the Davenport Fire Department are asking the public to be aware of the public safety concerns regarding the stability of the 324 Main Street building and avoid the area. Crews are currently clearing 4th Street between Main Street and Harrison Street and 4th Street will remained closed until further notice. Any assistance the media can provide in getting this message out to the public is appreciated.
Tuesday, May 30, 2023, 6:07AM – In the interest of public safety, the City has been continually evaluating the timing of the demolition of 324 Main Street since its initial collapse 36 hours ago. Demolition is a multi-phase process that includes permitting and staging of equipment that will begin today. The timing of the physical demolition of the property is still be evaluated. The building remains structurally insecure and in imminent danger of collapse.
May 30, 9:25AM – The press conference that was scheduled for today 10:00am has been moved to 10:30am.
May 30, 4:41PM – As discussed at this morning’s press conference, earlier this afternoon the Davenport Fire Department in partnership with MABAS 43 Technical Rescue Team conducted an additional operation within portions of the 324 Main St. building that presented as acceptable risk for emergency response entry in the opinion of the structural engineer and rescue technicians. During this operation, several animals were rescued and delivered to the Scott County Humane Society. Crews continued to search for human activity and none was detected. The stability of the building continues to degrade. The recovery of any unaccounted for individuals remains the priority of the City as operational planning progresses.
Wednesday, May 31, 2023, 5:43PM – Over the past 72 hours there have been several inquiries for records regarding 324 Main Street. The City has compiled several often requested documents and has placed them on the City’s website located here: https://www.davenportiowa.com/cms/One.aspx?portalId=6481456&pageId=19580321. The City anticipates holding a press conference tomorrow, June 1st at 10am in the DPD Community Room.
May 31, 8:59PM – On site today at 324 Main Street was Shive Hattery, the engineering firm hired by the City of Davenport. While on site, the engineers utilized a forensic LIDAR drone to further assess damage to the building and its structural stability. Also on site was the property owner’s insurance firms representatives and structural engineers to complete an independent structural damage assessment.
Thursday, June 1, 2023 10:58AM – Over the past 36 hours, there have been many questions from both the media and community remembers regarding the status of a permit that was issued to 324 Main Street on May 25, 2023. City staff understands the confusion and concern of the public on this issue. Yesterday it was investigated on what happened and we would like be fully transparent in what happened, as we know this is a sensitive subject.
On May 25, 2023 a permit was created by a staff member in the City of Davenport permitting software system. While creating the permit record, a check box for passing the permit was inadvertently clicked due to clerical error. Later that day (May 25), City staff was on site conducting an inspection of the work progress being done. This work was not completed at the time of inspection.
After the inspection on May 25, the staff member responsible for completing the documentation of the on-site inspection left town. When the staff member returned to the office on May 30, they entered their notes from the onsite inspection from May 25 into the system. At that time, the error of the permit being noted as “passed” was changed to “incomplete”, which is what triggered the external facing system to present as “failed”.
The City recognizes the gravity of the error that was made and the resignation of the staff that was involved was given yesterday.
The second part of this was the failed status of the permit. The permit was noted as “failed” due to an IT glitch that caused the permit to be shown on the public facing system as “failed” when marked incomplete on the internal system. The two screen shots attached show the internal facing system and the public facing system. The permit was never failed after inspection, but rather was marked as incomplete. The IT Department is working to correct this issue.
The status of “incomplete” is accurate. The work for this permit was not completed prior to the collapse of the building and thus no assessment of pass or fail could be attributed to this permit.
Again the City would like to acknowledge the sensitivity of this issue and ensure our community we are handling this with the up most attention.
June 1, 11:23AM – Over the past 72 hours, in coordination with the Red Cross, building owner, building property managers, families and friends, DPD staff began an investigation with the goal of identifying and locating the tenants in the building. As of June 1, 2023 at 10:00 a.m., based on consolidated information, there are three unaccounted for individuals.
Brandon Colvin
Ryan Hitchcock
Daniel Prien
It is believe these three individuals have high probability of being home at the time of the collapse and their apartments were located in the collapse zone.
Following Davenport Police Department protocol, Brandon, Ryan and Daniel will be place in the National Database of Missing Persons. Missing Persons flyers are also being created and will be disseminated to the media shortly.
324 Main Street has a history of transient population within this building. City staff is aggressively collaborating with partners who serve this population to ensure all are accounted for.
June 1, 1:11PM – On May 30, 2023, the City of Davenport issued a municipal infraction to the owner of 324 Main Street, initiating a legal action. This legal action was taken to ensure the owner of the property cannot transfer the property to another owner in an effort to avoid a large lien that is expected when the response has been completed.
June 1, 7:32PM – On May 31, 2023, a formal request to the state level Emergency Operations Center through Homeland Security was made for additional support and to engage state assets to assist with recovery operations at 324 Main Street.
On June 1, 2023, Task Force 1 USAR team arrived in Davenport and a joint meeting was held between the Davenport Fire Department, Task Force 1, City Administration and Development and Neighborhood Services Department. After the joint meeting the USAR team arrived on site with live and cadaver canines have entered the building as per FEMA protocols. Task Force 1 personnel have re-entered the building to re-verify and mark all rooms with standard FEMA markings.
In addition, the City has enlisted D.W. Zinser Commercial Demolition company to assist with recovery and demolition work. Shoring materials, equipment and heavy rescue and removal equipment will arrive on site later this evening. Zinser is assisting Task Force 1 with recovery efforts.
The next press conference is scheduled for Friday, June 2nd at 10am.
June 1, 7:52PM – Attached is the missing person flyer with the three individuals that have high probability of being home at the time of the partial building collapse.
City officials are once again meeting with the families this evening and after the meeting, this information will be sent to the public.
If community members have specific information that can confirm or indicate otherwise, please call 563-326-6125. Station Supervisors, please forward any information received to Lt. Dennis Colclasure.
Friday, June 2, 2023 8:37AM – The American Red Cross, along with community and government partners, are hosting a Multi-Agency Resource Center for residents impacted by the partial building collapse at 324 Main Street.
When | Saturday, June 3, 2023 from 10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Where | Downtown Davenport Bitner YMCA | 630 E. 4th Street, Davenport, IA
What | The Red Cross and partners will be providing resources and assistance to those affected as they plan next steps in their recovery. Those seeking assistance are asked to please bring proof of address and photo I.D if available. For questions, please call (571) 562-1254.
City of Davenport staff will be one site to assist with the intake process of the financial assistance from the City of Davenport provided to residents impacted. Other resources and contacts
The American Red Cross | 1-800-REDCROSS. Salvation Army | 100 Kirkwood Blvd | 563-324-4808 | Open 8:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Tuesday-Friday this week
Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds signed a disaster proclamation for Scott County in response to the incident at 324 Main Street in Davenport. That proclamation activates grant assistance and case management services to be made available. Details can be found here.
Community members wishing to make donations or volunteer to those in need can do so through the Quad Cities Community Foundation or through the Salvation Army.
The Quad Cities Community Foundation has opened the Quad Cities Disaster Recovery fund to assist residents who have been displaced. Those wishing to donate to the fund can do so at www.qccommunityfoundation.org/qcdisasterrecovery.
June 2, 3:46PM – City staff has been working with community partners to help with those impacted by the partial building collapse at 324 Main Street. We are thankful for our community partners and the assistance they are provided to those who have displaced. Our hearts are with those who have been impacted by this tragedy. The City of Davenport will provide financial assistance to residents and commercial businesses impacted. Staff will be onsite Saturday, June 3, at the Multi Agency Resource Center hosted the Red Cross to assist residents with the intake forms for offered assistance. Residents and commercial businesses impacted can also email ced.info@davenportiowa.com for more information.
Details of the assistance available and to whom can be found below. For residential tenants of 324 Main:
One-time grant of $6,000 per tenant household intended to assist with rent/security deposits, replacing household goods and clothing, food, appliances, etc., as a result of the displacement. Not tied to income.
City staff will be onsite at the MARC to assist with intake process
For residential tenants in buildings adjacent and at-risk (i.e., not allowed to occupy; N side of 3rd and Executive Square area): One-time grant of $1,000 per tenant household intended to assist with short-term hotel costs, food replacement, short-term displacement costs. Not tied to income. City staff will be onsite at the MARC to assist with intake process
For commercial tenants of 324 Main: One-time grant of $25,000 per commercially-leased space intended to assist with replacement of equipment, inventory, deposit/rent, signage, and other operational start-up costs at a new location. City staff is working with the Downtown Partnership and reaching out individually to businesses impacted
For commercial tenants in buildings adjacent and at-risk (along North side of 3rd Street; West side of Main; and Executive Square area): One-time grant of $5,000 per commercially-leased space intended to assist with lost inventory and revenue losses due to temporary closure. City staff is working with the Downtown Partnership and reaching out individually to businesses impacted
Saturday, June 3, 2023, 10:02AM – In order to facilitate the recovery effort at 324 Main Street, several logistical changes are taking place at the site of 324 Main Street today.
The fence securing the site is subject to movement based upon movement of equipment needed on the site.
A notice to all drone operators, the FAA has implemented a temporary flight restriction (TFR) within a mile radius of 324 Main St. Drone operations is prohibited and impedes recovery efforts.
Traveling public should avoid downtown as traffic patterns are likely to shift on short notice.
June 3, 10:14AM - Last night, crews on site at 324 Main Street began removing pieces of the building to control falling hazards. This is to support the recovery efforts of first responders on scene.
June 3, 6:11PM – The Northwest Illinois Incident Management Team (IMT) was requested by the City of Davenport to assist the recovery process of the partial building collapse at 324 Main Street and has arrived on scene. The IMT brings a wealth of knowledge in many different areas most notably operations, planning, and logistics.
Incident Management Team (IMT) refers to a group of trained personnel that responds to an emergency. The incident management team concept was originally developed for wildfire response, although it has been expanded into what is now known as "All-Hazards Incident Management Team”. An AHIMT can respond to a wide range of emergencies, including fires, floods, earthquakes, hurricanes, tornadoes, tsunami, riots, spilling of hazardous materials, and other natural or human-caused incidents. The Northwest Illinois Incident Management Team is comprised of members from the public and private sectors including law enforcement, fire service, emergency management and health care.
The IMT team has put out a video update regarding their work on scene: https://youtu.be/a_ay60MXLtc
Sunday, June 4, 2023, 9:28AM – Overnight crews continued operations at 324 Main Street, focusing on the material pile and removing material from the scene. This work will continue throughout the day today with crews working 12 hour shifts around the clock.
Monday, June 5, 2023, 8:45AM – As a reminder, the City will host a press conference this morning at 10am in the DPD Community Room.
June 5, 1:23PM – Three victims have been recovered from scene over the past 48 hours:
Saturday June 3, 2023 – 11:59am – Victim recovered and forensically identified as Branden Colvin Sr., 42 years of age of Davenport
Sunday June 4, 2023 – 12:25pm – Victim recovered and forensically identified as Ryan Hitchcock, 51, years of age of Davenport
Monday June 5, 2023 – 02:30am – Victim recovered and forensically identified as Daniel Prien, 60 years of age of Davenport
Over the weekend, City officials met with and notified the families of Branden and Ryan. We have also notified Daniel’s family who is out of state. Honoring family wishes, the City delayed releasing information to allow for the families to make their own notifications.
June 5, 6:35PM – Earlier this evening, Iowa Task Force 1 Urban Search and Rescue team demobilized their search, rescue and recovery efforts at 324 Main Street. USAR has determined that the building is clear of collapse victims and collapsed building material from the foundation of the building has been removed.
Tuesday, June 6, 2023, 1:37PM – On Monday evening, Iowa Task Force 1 Urban Search and Rescue demobilized their unit, concluding the recovery phase of the operation at 324 Main Street. Operations have now transitioned to the dismantling of the partially collapsed building. Crews have cleared the debris pile to the foundation floor and will continue removing debris from the site today.
Attached is a picture of a view of the site from City Hall today.
Thursday, June 8, 2023, 2:48PM – On June 8, 2023 City staff, in coordination with structural engineers, assessed the conditions of structures adjacent to 324 Main Street. This work is being done in advance of increased dismantling activity at the partially collapsed building.
During this assessment it was determined that the building at 400 and 410 North Main Street (commonly known as the Executive Square Building) had areas of structural concern. Out of an abundance of caution, the City ordered the remaining five residential units in the property to be vacated. (The majority of the residential and all business units at the Executive Square Building were vacated on May 31, 2023, in response to the partial building collapse of 324 Main Street.) The building is now completely vacated.
In addition, the City has ordered the property owner to install temporary structural shoring to the interior of the building prior to commencement of dismantling of 324 Main Street.
The Red Cross stands ready to assist those who have been displaced. Displaced residents may call 1-800-RED-CROSS for assistance.
Sunday, June 11, 2023, 3:55PM – On May 27, 2023 at approximately 2:48 PM, the Davenport Fire Department was dispatched to 324 Main Street. While on scene, the Davenport Fire Department observed active work occurring and external shoring was in place and observable.
Later that day, inspectors with the Development and Neighborhood Services Department arrived on scene and determined that the work appeared to be progressing in accordance with the plans and specifications previously submitted by a professional engineer. They observed that the external shoring was in place with no observable signs of difficulty or bowing in the external shoring. Once inspectors left, work continued on the building on May 27th and throughout the day on Sunday, May 28th.
More than 24 hours elapsed between the time of these site visits and the partial building collapse. The matter remains under investigation.
June 11, 7:00PM – Over the past week, the City has been engaged with structural engineers, regulatory authorities and contracting company that have advised when best and how to fully dismantle the partially collapsed building at 324 Main Street. This has been a thorough planning process that has considered asbestos removal and the impact on neighboring properties. Part of the preparation included inspections of nearby structures to determine their vulnerability. That last resulted in the City ordering the vacation of the remaining occupied apartments at 400 and 410 North Main Street.
It is anticipated that crews will begin the dismantling process on Monday, June 12th. Once the dismantling work is complete, crews will then need to remove the debris and clear the site. This process is expected to take several weeks.
Wednesday, June 14, 2023, 8:07AM – The City of Davenport has engaged the Chicago-based White Birch Group, LLC and SOCOTEC Engineering to conduct a cause and origin report on the partial collapse of the building at 324 Main Street. Both firms are highly regarded and have considerable experience in this type of investigation. The duration of the assessment is not known at this time. The completed report will first be shared with relevant agencies and oversight authorities. When deemed appropriate, it will also be shared with the public.
Wednesday, June 21, 2023, 4:42PM – The building at 324 Main Street is now fully dismantled. Site cleanup has begun and is expected to take several weeks. The public should anticipate an increase in vehicles in and around the site as well as exiting at 4th and Harrison streets as debris is removed.