I am aware of how difficult it is to accept certain truths of our times. Doing so requires letting go of deeply held norms that provide us with perceived security. Refusing gives each of us plausible deniability as truant citizens when it comes to our individual civic duty to remain vigilant. Unfortunately, freedom does not protect itself.

Americans refuse to admit that our governance is not what we think, that there is a terrible underlying fraud afoot, and that we are manipulated on a daily basis by powerful forces working in tandem to keep us uninformed: the two political parties - Democrats and Republicans - and the mainstream media.

All the mainstream news is choreographed to keep us in one camp or the other, and by doing so, the illusion is maintained that we are politically participating on an informed basis. When critics of the two parties' ideologies, policies, etc. surface, the media is able to squelch it by declaring such critics as kooks and extremists as a means of marginalizing the data and keeping it from us.

All year long, the mainstream media systematically deliver sanitized but highly divisive information specifically designed to drive our opinions in one narrow political direction or another, depending upon which broadcasters you patronize, whether watching, listening, or reading.

It is the proverbial easy button. It keeps us anesthetized to the slow creep of authority over our daily lives, to the dual legal system fraudulently operating under our very noses, and to the abdication of the U.S. Constitution in favor of United Nations dictates and global governance via such organizations as the World Trade Organization, the International Monetary Fund, and the G20.

This is a supremely difficult reality to even believe, let alone accept, as possible in America. Yet it is precisely what is occurring. But I implore you to not take my word for it. Research for yourself. Honestly, it will not take much to get you down this path. There is so much evidence in support of the overhaul of America that if you pursue it, you will be teaching the teachers before long. Put it this way: You have nothing to lose by just exploring these claims, and everything to gain by snapping out of the civic lethargy that has allowed this slow creep to occur.

We can start restoring our republic under the rule of law (America is not a democracy in the strict sense) by first taking back control of our counties, municipalities, and states through the lawful and peaceful means of nullification. Nullification is a civic tool that has always been available to Americans via grand juries, jury nullification, and state nullification of federal mandates. The courts would have you believe these processes are under their authority alone, but this is untrue at its very core.

We must also understand that every relationship individual Americans have with the government (a driver's license, Social Security, Medicare, etc.) is contractual. As such, the terms of the contract must be disclosed, or the contract is null and void. This is true under common law, by which our republic was founded, and under corporate or commerce law, by which we are increasingly governed.

Corporate law is also known as maritime law, administrative law, and equity law, among other names. What is important to understand is that much of the code created under this form of law is unconstitutional, and is a very real departure from the common law that is the foundation underlying the U.S. Constitution, which protects our unalienable rights - including liberty, privacy, and property ownership.

Administrative law more often than not violates many of our unalienable rights, getting its authority to do so from our participation in these social "contracts." However, the fine print of such statutes obligates Americans to myriad rules and regulations that they are completely unaware of, and never knowingly consented to, but are held to regardless by merely engaging in things such as Social Security, licensing, etc. Administrative law is not founded on the premise of unalienable rights, and its codes are not applied equally to all. In other words, under corporate law or administrative procedure, some are more equal than others.

If Americans are genuinely interested in real change, then it is critical to accept as a fundamental truth that all governments - cities, counties, states, judicial districts, the federal government - are corporations unto themselves. In other words, Scott County, the cities of Davenport, Bettendorf, Rock Island, Moline, and East Moline, the Seventh Judicial District Court (and all other "courts"), and the states of Iowa and Illinois are all corporations - with their own tax IDs, Dun & Bradstreet numbers, and corporate charters - and are beholden to the rules and regulations of corporate law, even if such law conflicts with, or even countermands, the U.S. or state constitution. The true nature or these corporate entities is to generate revenues and discharge debt on behalf of the Federal Reserve System. It sounds more complicated than it is.

However, unless you get your mind around this, you will forever be confused as to why so many public-sector policies, statutes, and procedures make no sense, have little to do with justice, and appear to fly directly in the face of the Constitution. This is because Americans operate, at least in their minds, on common law, while governments on every level operate on administrative procedures. Once you understand this underlying structure, much becomes crystal clear. I challenge every reader to investigate this information for yourself. Once you verify that our governments are in truth corporations just like General Electric and Microsoft, and are motivated by profit every bit as much as private-sector corporations, dots begin connecting like mad. The $60 question in all this is: Who are the shareholders? Because it certainly isn't the taxpayers.

Which brings us to the unresolvable problem with government entities as corporations: Governments do not actually produce anything. Their revenue models depend on taxation. In other words: taking wealth from one sector of the economy and giving it to another, whether through income taxes, licensing fees, or penalties and fines for violating an ever-growing list of infractions that diminish property rights as a necessary component to enforcement, not to mention a host of other individual rights protected by the U.S. Constitution but ignored by administrative procedure. (See this issue's cover story and ask yourself: Why, during an event that involves both a civilian and a police officer, can the officer record the event, but it's a crime if the civilian does the same?) In the bigger picture, this revenue model of taxation, whether direct or indirect, is not sustainable. Eventually you run out of other people's money.

To better illuminate: Every public entity is required to annually publish financial statements, called Comprehensive Annual Financial Reports (CAFRs), for public review. It is the one document that best spells out the real purpose of these entities: to earn revenue for their own bureaucracies' purposes, well beyond the business of the people.

Anyone can access CAFRs by visiting the entity's Web site. For example, Scott County's CAFRs are posted by year. Revenue is earned from coercive taxes and in the form of penalties for infractions that have zero to do with harm, such as building a deck or holding a garage sale without a permit, or placing a yard-sale sign between the sidewalk and the curb; the list goes exhaustively on. It is a thoroughly unconstitutional system that infringes on all manner of property rights but has continued to grow unrestrained. Now, with the introduction of United Nations initiatives such as Agenda 21 - being embraced by counties across America, including Scott County - the growing list of restrictions provides the best evidence for this un-American "procedural" creep. (Note: This year alone, the United Nations will receive $6.4 billion in American taxpayer subsidies.)

CAFRs are where the public can see the assets owned by a county, city, court district, or state. It is an eye-opener. In reviewing CAFRs across the country, it has been revealed that Microsoft and General Electric are primarily owned by public-sector corporations - in other words, cities, counties, and states. It is further proof of the unholy alliances that contaminate our society at every level.

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