As we survey the recently transformed political landscape, a few observations crop up:
(1) The Republicans, unable to or incapable of defending freedom and capitalism, have "me-tooed" themselves into political oblivion. Trounced and shellacked by the Democrats in both the presidential and congressional elections, they have been reduced to mumbling amongst themselves and wondering what happened. Well-deserved, all of it: Having abandoned their principles of limited government and individual autonomy, they stand for nothing to anyone; and who wants to vote for a watered-down "welfare" state when you can have the real thing straight?
(2) The Democrats, emboldened by their victories and taking the election results as a "mandate," are already plotting the destruction of whatever freedom and capitalism we have left. Despite the fact that it can be proven that the Democrats, not the Republicans, are largely responsible for the economic problems confronting us today, the Democrats have been handed a clear message by the electorate: "Fix it!" This is somewhat analogous to the chickens electing a fox to guard their coop, and a very serious question merits asking at this point: How did the Democrats manage to pull that one off? (Hint: it was not the virtue of the Democrats that allowed it to happen.)
So: What are we in for? Just what can we expect in the way of economic policy from the newly emerging Obama administration, and what will the implications of that policy be?
To begin with, we don't need to be rocket scientists to figure out that government spending's about to experience a sharp increase. President-elect Obama has pledged pie-in-the-sky to all and sundry, from uninsured welfare moms here at home to the needy hordes that trouble us abroad, and has repeatedly promised to "jump-start" the economy as soon as he takes office. Indeed, he is already pushing the Bush administration, busy on its way out the door, to enact a minimum $100 billion "fix" for our moribund economy.
And that's just for "jump-starters," folks. As government manipulation in a "mixed" economy grows ever more pervasive, intrusive and totalitarian, larger, and more expensive "jump-starts" are required to keep the patient's heart beating: Like a dope addict in need of more and more massive doses, only tremendous levels of spending and involvement are now capable of forestalling a crash.
Couple that level of spending and involvement with the fact that President-elect Obama has made it quite clear that intends to increase both; now add in a Democratic-controlled Congress with a like-minded agenda, and what pops out of the oven? You are about to witness a government spending spree that is going to make the meddling of FDR's "New Deal" or LBJ's "Great Society" look like penny-ante poker in comparison.
And, because that bill is going to have to be paid by somebody, yep, you guessed it, your taxes are about to take a hike as well - skyward. The Democrats will tell you that they will only rise for the rich, but observe how the standards continue to plummet for what constitutes "rich": these days, it's an income of $250,000 or more per year. That may sound like a lot, but don't be fooled by the zeroes: With thanks to government inflation, that's only $35,000 per year in 1965, and only $15,000 per year in 1932. Still want to swallow the myth that only the "rich" are going to be funding all this spending? Trust me, if you are one of the (shrinking) few who still produces more than he consumes these days, you are about to be splayed out and brutalized in a fashion you would never have thought possible. And, as your wallet is forcibly emptied of all productive content, just remember: New Vice President Joe Biden thinks that paying taxes is the "patriotic" thing to do.
But wait a minute: Since it was excessive government taxing, spending, and manipulation that brought our economy to its knees to begin with, how is more of all three going to solve the problem? Correct: It is not. The implications of such policies, in fact, should be quite clear: Our economic problems are about to worsen, not improve, which means: we will soon be grappling with issues that will make what we are facing now seem like a cake walk.
And, since the Republican party has all but collapsed itself into extinction, who will the electorate then be holding responsible for that?
Bradley Harrington is a former United States Marine and a free-lance writer who lives in Cheyenne, Wyoming.