For more information, please contact:
Anne Canfield, 816-802-3426
For immediate release
Kansas City Art Institute announces newest graduate
KANSAS CITY, Mo. (June 21, 2006) – The following student from the
Davenport area participated in commencement ceremonies May 13 at the
Kansas City Art Institute, a four-year college of art and design:
Timothy Dalton of Bettendorf, Iowa, majored in illustration.
The Kansas City Art Institute offers the Bachelor of Fine Arts degree
in animation, art history, ceramics, fiber, graphic design,
interdisciplinary arts, new media, painting, photography, print making,
sculpture and studio art with an emphasis in creative writing.
Accredited by the North Central Association of the Higher Learning
Commission and by the National Association of Schools of Art and
Design, KCAI was founded in 1885. Notables who have studied at KCAI
include painter Robert Rauschenberg, ceramist Akio Takamori and graphic
designers April Greiman and Keith Jacobshagen. For more information,
visit KCAI on the Web at