DIXON, IOWA (January 15, 2025) — On Saturday, January 25, 2025, 1:30-3:30PM, there will be a Homemade Health and Home program held at the Wapsi River Environmental Education Center in Dixon, Iowa.

Come join Wapsi River Center staff and learn to create your own health and home products made with natural ingredients.

DIXON, IOWA (November 27, 2024) — On Saturday, December 7, 2024, 1PM, there will be a Natural Wreath Class held at the Wapsi River Environmental Education Center in Dixon, Iowa. Join Naturalist Mike and learn how to make a natural wreath.

DIXON, IOWA (October 23, 2024) — On Saturday, November 2, 2024, 10AM-2PM, there will be a Fall Ecology Day: “Sense the Change” event held at the Wapsi River Environmental Education Center in Dixon, Iowa. Come explore the Wapsi River Center this Fall with our Naturalists. A woodland nature hike, prairie seed collection, and a fall prairie burn will help you get into the season. See Smokey the Bear and celebrate his 80th birthday! Family fun for everyone!

DIXON, IOWA (October 16, 2024) — On Saturday, October 26, 10AM, there will be a Mushroom Foray held at the Wapsi River Environmental Education Center in Dixon, Iowa.

DIXON, IOWA (August 29, 2024) — On Saturday, September 14, 2024, 11AM, there will be a Sixth Annual Monarch Festival held at the Wapsi River Environmental Education Center in Dixon, Iowa.

DIXON, IOWA (August 20, 2024) — On Saturday, September 14, 2024, 9-11AM, there will be a Monarch Migration Fun Run held at the Wapsi River Environmental Education Center in Dixon, Iowa.

The Fourth Annual Monarch Migration Fun Run will benefit the Friends of the Wapsi Center.

This self-timed 5K Trail Run will take you through the upland and bottomland forests and the prairies of the Wapsi River Center.

DIXON, IOWA (August 9, 2024) — On Saturday, August 17, 2024, at 1PM, there will be a Cattail Duck Decoy Workshop held at the Wapsi River Environmental Education Center in Dixon, Iowa.

Join Naturalist Mike for a lesson on cattails. Learn about the biology and cultural significance of the plant and then create a life-sized cattail duck decoy.

DIXON, IOWA (August 7, 2024) — On Saturday, August 17, 2024, 10AM, there will be a Paint by Nature program held at the Wapsi River Environmental Education Center in Dixon, Iowa. Come enjoy nature in a creative way at this family-friendly program! Join Naturalist Paige to create a prairie-themed painting with guided step-by-step instructions. All supplies will be provided. The program costs $5/canvas.