July 1st passed and thanks to Cheri Bustos and her Washington Democrat friends, student loan rates have now doubled.

That's right, Cheri Bustos voted against a common-sense proposal?similar to President Obama's own plan?that would have kept rates from doubling.

Illinois families wanted a solution on student loan rates but Bustos voted against a common-sense proposal and then let the deadline pass without action.

NRCC Statement: "Congresswoman Cheri Bustos' disingenuous politicization of the student loan debate is very troubling. Bustos needs to throw the Nancy Pelosi talking points in the garbage can and start working across the aisle to find a long term solution for college students." - NRCC Spokeswoman Katie Prill


Last Month, Bustos Voted Against A Bill That Would Have Prevented Student Loan Rates From Doubling. (H.R. 1911, Vote #183, 221-198, 5/23/13)


The House Bill "Echoes A Plan Obama Offered In April." "[T]he Republican bill echoes a plan Obama offered in April to tie interest rates to the yield on the 10-year Treasury bill, rather than setting them via an act of Congress. (Nick Anderson, "House Approves Republican Student Loan Bill," The Washington Post, 5/23/13)

Student Loan Rates Doubled On July 1st. " The legislation responds to a looming deadline: On July 1, unless the law is changed, rates for a certain type of new loan for undergraduate students in financial need will double to 6.8 percent, from 3.4 percent." (Nick Anderson, "House Approves Republican Student Loan Bill," The Washington Post, 5/23/13)
A key source within the Rock Island County Democrat Party has told QCNews.org that Jerry Lack, District Director for Rep. Cheri Bustos, has decided to leave her office after just thirty days. The source, speaking on a condition of anonymity, said that the departure was due to a stemming frustration over the lack of progress with opening the district offices and making in-district staff hires.

The source also said there was a growing discontent because Lack believed that Rep. Bustos was giving the DC office preferential treatment, in budgeting and staffing matters, over the in-district operations.

Lack, a well-respected member of the Rock Island County Democrat Party and senior aide to Rep. Lane Evans, was believed to be a key hire for Rep. Cheri Bustos. The source said that Lack will return to working for the Illowa Construction Labor and Management Council.

As of this writing, Bustos has only opened an office in Rock Island. On the campaign trail, Bustos promised to open offices in the Quad Cities, Peoria, Rockford, and Galesburg.