BETTENDORF, IOWA (January 25, 2020) — The American Cancer Society’s Discovery Shop in Cumberland Square invites you to bargain shop for a cause! Sunday, February 2, will be our annual super clearance sale everything in the store will be half-price.
BETTENDORF, IOWA (April 12, 2019) — All of the volunteers and staff at the Bettendorf Discovery Shop are hoping that you will be able to join us Monday, April 29, for our Garden event. We are all ready to welcome spring by filling the shop with a variety of beautiful spring-things that have been donated over the last year.
BETTENDORF, IOWA (March 18, 2019) — The Bettendorf Discovery Shop invites you to join them beginning Thursday, April 4, for their 27th annual cookbook and kitchenware event.
BETTENDORF, IA (January 26, 2019) — The American Cancer Society’s Discovery Shop in Cumberland Square invites you to bargain shop for a cause! Sunday, February 4 will be our annual Big clearance sale everything in the store will be half-price.
All of the volunteers and staff at the Bettendorf Discovery Shop are hoping that you will be able to join us Monday, May 7th for our Garden event. We are all ready to welcome spring by filling the shop with a variety of beautiful spring things that have been donated over the last year.
The American Cancer Society’s Discovery Shop in Cumberland Square invites you to bargain shop for a cause! Sunday, February 4th will be our annual super clearance sale EVERYTHING in the store will be half price.
The Bettendorf Discovery Shop in Cumberland Square is excited to announce that their Annual Holiday Open House will be held on Sunday, November 19th from noon to 4 pm.
All of the volunteers and staff at the Bettendorf Discovery Shop are hoping that you will be able to join us Monday, May 1st for our Garden event. We are all ready to welcome spring by filling the shop with a variety of beautiful spring things that have been donated over the last year.
The American Cancer Society’s Discovery Shop in Cumberland Square invites you to bargain shop for a cause! Sunday, February 5th will be our annual super clearance sale EVERYTHING in the store will be half price.
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