DAVENPORT, IOWA (December 10, 2024) — Bush Construction, a leading construction company in the Quad Cities Area and Urban Improvement Conglomerate (UIC), a St Louis-based architectural and real estate development firm, have announced their strategic merger, marking a significant milestone for two companies in the design-build industry.

A portion of Loud Thunder Road is closed due to the improvements being made on the spillway and dam on Lake George in Loud Thunder Forest Preserve.

The middle portion of Loud Thunder Road will be closed for the duration of construction, expected to be completed mid-December.

Don't Miss Out! Registration Deadline is May 25!
In the heat of the summer, survival can be challenging for many animals as they deal with increased temperatures and protected resources such as water and territory. Find out how animals stay cool and see if they have what it takes to be a survivor.

Volunteers assist with everything from educational programs, animal husbandry, preparing diets, special events and more.

COAL VALLEY, Ill. (April 30, 2018) – Make a difference locally and globally by volunteering at Niabi Zoo in 2018. Those interested in conservation, education, gardening and animals are encouraged to apply by May 25.

Niabi Zoo News

Niabi Zoo to host one of the Quad Cities largest Earth Day celebrations April 21-22

Niabi and ten other local environmental organizations will be in attendance.

COAL VALLEY, Ill. (April 16, 2018) – Celebrate Earth Day and learn how individual actions can make a big difference for wildlife and wild places during Niabi Zoo’s Earth Day celebration weekend, April 21 and April 22.

Speakers include scientists in zoology, conservation, veterinarian medicine, ecology and animal behavior.

COAL VALLEY, Ill. (April 10, 2018) – Niabi Zoo continues the first-of-its-kind adult education program – the Conservation and Science Speaker Series. The series of presentations covers topics on conservation, ecology, biology and zoology. The next talks will take place from 6:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. on April 17 and May 16 at the Niabi Zoo educational center.

Woodlands, wetlands and prairies native to the Midwest depend on periodic prescribed fires for long-term survival. Fire helps to rejuvenate growth of native grasses and flowers, and controls the growth of unwanted invasive plant species. 

After inspecting the site, acquiring permits and reviewing safety precautions with all involved, Illiniwek Forest Preserve will conduct multiple burns on the forest preserve property.

Rock Island County, Ill. (Oct. 12, 2017) – Rock Island County Forest Preserve District is partnering with five local building trades and Black Hawk College students to help bring accessibility to Loud Thunder Forest Preserve and Illiniwek Forest Preserve.

Including opportunities for interaction with zoo animals

COAL VALLEY, Ill. (Sept 12, 2017) – Niabi Zoo’s two newest educational opportunities for children, Animal Adventure Classes and Zoo Tots – Animal Tales, will begin this week and continue through the fall and winter.

Animal Adventure Classes are designed for children 6-12 years old and Zoo Tots – Animal Tales is designed for children ages 3-5 years old.

Animal Adventure Classes

The last day of the 2017 season will be Oct. 29

COAL VALLEY, Ill. (Sept 11, 2017) –  Beginning on Monday, Sept. 11, Niabi Zoo’s current Monday-Sunday schedule will change to its fall hours. From Sept. 11 to Oct. 29 Niabi will be closed on Mondays and closed one hour earlier Tuesday-Sunday. 

Niabi Fall Hours:

                Monday: CLOSED

                Tuesday-Sunday: 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
