Donations of good, gently used items are now being accepted by Humility of Mary Housing, Inc. for the Fresh Start Benefit Sale which will be held at the Mississippi Valley Fairgrounds beginning the evening of August 16 and going through noon of August 19. The drop-off location for sale items is 311 West Kimberly, across from North Park Mall, Lujack's and Burger King. Drop-off days and times are Monday, Thursday and Saturday, 9 am to 3 pm, now through August 11. Accepted items are any household items in good working order including large and small appliances and furniture, bedding, linens, gift items, jewelry, books, toys, exercise equipment and other. Please, no clothes.
Humility of Mary Housing, Inc. is a transitional and permanent supportive housing program that provides single-parent families experiencing homelessness with opportunities for growth and development that could lead to self-sufficient living. Children in the program learn there is a different way to live, they grow in self-esteem, some of these children have become the first in their family to complete high school and then go on to college.
We hear of growing numbers of homeless children and children living in poverty. These stories are not just about other countries and other communities; they include our own Quad City community. Humility of Mary Housing is working to reduce some of those statistics. In their 21 years 684 families including 1349 children have been served. Every day, except when an apartment is being prepared for a new family, HMHI is serving 47 single parents and approximately 100 children. A caring and generous Quad City community has made it possible for HMHI to continue serving the needs of these families.
Today you can help by dropping off those good unused, never used items you find as you clean out cupboards, basements, attics and garages; as you simplify your life styles or downsize your living spaces. Think Fresh Start Benefit Sale and think of the homeless children who will be helped.