Senators DeMint, Paul, and Lee receive perfect scores in 2012; Seven Current Senators Named "Defenders of Economic Freedom"

Washington, DC - Today, the Club for Growth released its 2012 Congressional Scorecard, which ranks the voting behavior of members of Congress based on issues relating to limited government and economic growth.

To view the Club for Growth's 2012 Congressional Scorecard and all prior Scorecards, click here, or go to:

"2012 was a difficult year for economic freedom," said Club for Growth President Chris Chocola. "Whether it was the GOP's support of massive tax increases or the constant assault on liberty by the Obama administration, the pro-growth caucus in Congress has a lot of work to do in 2013. The Club's scorecard is intended to help our members and the general public understand who talks a good game on limiting government and passing pro-growth policies, and who backs up their words with votes. We urge the next generation of conservative leaders to keep up the fight in the 113th Congress."

This year, 28 current and former members of Congress will receive the Club for Growth's Defender of Economic Freedom Award. Starting in 2011, The Club for Growth required Representatives and Senators to not only score 90 or better on votes cast in a year, but to also have a lifetime score or "LifeScore" of at least 90.

Highlights from the Club for Growth's 2012 Congressional Scorecard:

• Three United States Senators received perfect scores in 2012: Jim DeMint (SC), Rand Paul (KY), and Mike Lee (UT) - all of whom also qualify for the Defender of Economic Freedom Award.

• Senators Pat Toomey (PA), Marco Rubio (FL), and Ron Johnson (WI) had 2012 scores and LifeScores high enough to qualify for the Defender of Economic Freedom Award.

• Two current United States Senators will receive Defender of Economic Freedom Awards for their voting record in the U.S. House of Representatives in 2012: Senators Jeff Flake (AZ) and Tim Scott (SC).

• 18 current House members who received scores of 90 percent or better in 2012 also had LifeScores of 90 or better to qualify for the Defender of Economic Freedom Award. Two former House members qualified as well (Quayle, Walsh).

• Three members of Congress received 100 percent ratings in 2012. Of those, two also have 100 percent LifeScores: Congressmen Justin Amash (MI-03), and Tim Huelskamp (KS-01). In addition, Congressman Paul Broun (GA-10) received a 100 percent rating in 2012 and has a LifeScore of 99%.

• One Senate Democrat scored zero in 2012: Senator Jay Rockefeller (WV). 13 House Democrats scored lower than ten percent.

• Republican Leadership scores in 2012 were: Boehner: N/A, Cantor: 66%, McCarthy: 66%, McMorris Rodgers: 70%, Lankford: 80%, Ryan: 71%.

• Democratic leadership scores in 2012 were: Pelosi: 17%, Hoyer: 17%, Clyburn: 18%, Becerra: 18%, Van Hollen: 17%.

• The highest scoring Democrat, Congressman Jim Matheson (UT-04), scored higher than 98 Republicans with a 68 percent. The lowest scoring Republican, former Congressman Bob Dold (IL-10), scored lower than nine Democrats with a 38 percent.

The Club for Growth is the nation's leading group promoting economic freedom through legislative involvement, issue advocacy, research, and education.

The Club's website can be found at


Club for Growth President Chris Chocola: "It is good news that Congress is finally talking about spending cuts, but our review of voting records show that we have a long way to go if we're going to achieve smaller government." 

Washington, DC - The Club for Growth today launched a new Spending Cut Scorecard designed for members of the public and Club Members to track how members of the House of Representatives are voting on amendments to cut spending from the FY13 appropriations bills. In the past, the Club for Growth tracked amendments to cut earmarks from appropriations bills, but recently noticed that many House members who ran on promises to cut spending have abandoned their pledges to do so.

The Club will include clean spending cut amendments and will update the Spending Cut Scorecard following the passage of every appropriations bill. To view the new Spending Cut Scorecard, click here:

Thus far, interesting statistics from the Spending Cut Scorecard include :

  • 20 members of the House have voted for every amendment to cut spending. All are Republicans.
  • 50 members of the House have voted against every amendment to cut spending. 49 are Democrats. One is a Republican (Bonner).
  • The average Republican voted for spending cuts 59% of the time.  Republican Freshman are only slightly better at 60%.
  • The average Democrat voted for spending cuts 6% of the time.
  • The nine Republicans, including four freshmen, who have least often voted to cut spending are: Bonner 0%, Meehan 4%, LaTourette 4%, Bass 4%, Simpson 4%, Lucas 4%, King, P. 4%, Grimm 4%, and Dold 4%
  • The eight Democrats who have most often voted to cut spending are: Matheson 32%, Rush 31%, Kucinich 30%, Polis 28%, Cooper 20%, McIntyre 17%, Velazquez 17%, and Honda 17%

"It is good news that Congress is finally talking about spending cuts, but our review of voting records show that we have a long way to go if we're going to achieve smaller government," said Club for Growth President Chris Chocola. "It's important that Americans hold their members of Congress accountable for their votes and the Club for Growth intends to continue to make it easy for them to do so."

"The Club continues to be disappointed, in particular, by the big spenders in the Republican Party. With a $16 trillion debt, voting to keep discretionary spending in appropriations bills is simply kicking hard choices into the future and passing the buck to future generations. House Leadership is clearly not pushing its conference to vote for spending cuts offered on the floor," added Chocola.

The Club for Growth is the nation's leading group promoting economic freedom through legislative involvement, issue advocacy, research, and education.

The Club's website can be found at