21 Scott County Iowa COVID Deaths March through August 2020 Death Certificate Information

It was a only a matter of time before the scientific evidence relative to the SARS-CoV2 virus and COVID-19 downgrading its lethality overwhelmed the narratives that continue to perpetuate shuttering businesses and schools.

Just because a person tests positive for COVID-19 and thereby counted as a new case does not mean the person is infectious/contagious. Eighty percent of all persons tested are asymptomatic and, as such, do not carry enough viral load to become sick or transmit to others.

This is a really important new discovery because the world's COVID-19 pandemic-mitigation policies are ultimately based on the assumption that a positive case means he/she is infected with a highly lethal contagious virus transmissible to others. And it is fear of the potential lethality that justifies worldwide compliance with mitigations that are otherwise unjustifiably destructive in and of themselves.

Months ago, media and health authorities stopped talking about deaths relative to COVID-19, focusing instead on new cases only, nudging an already fearful populace to incorrectly associate rising cases with rising illness and deaths.

However, as cases increased exponentially largely due to increased testing, actual hospitalizations and deaths from COVID-19 have continued to significantly decrease in the U.S. and worldwide. Yet the media deftly avoids this pesky reality. Eventually COVID-curious Americans will get around to asking “Why?”

The New York Times inquired into several unavoidable concerns raised in the medical community relative to the rt-PCR tests being used nationwide to diagnose COVID-19. “The standard tests are diagnosing huge numbers of people who may be carrying relatively insignificant amounts of the virus.” 

The rt-PCR tests cannot provide the viral load (amount of virus present in the person being tested), a recognized weakness of the PCR testing as a diagnostic tool within the medical community since the test's invention in 1993.

As stated in the NYT, “The PCR test amplifies genetic matter from the virus in cycles; the fewer cycles required, the greater the amount of virus, or viral load, in the sample. The greater the viral load, the more likely the patient is to be contagious. This number of amplification cycles needed to find the virus, called the cycle threshold, is never included in the results sent to doctors and coronavirus patients, although it could tell them how infectious the patients are.”

Most rt-PCR tests have cycle thresholds between 37-40, lowering reliability of positive tests. The higher the cycle threshold means it took numerous amplifications just to detect the virus, indicating the viral load was miniscule, therefore likely not contagious.

“In Massachusetts, from 85 to 90 percent of people who tested positive in July with a cycle threshold of 40 would have been deemed negative if the threshold were 30 cycles,” Dr. Mina said. “I would say that none of those people should be contact-traced, not one.”

PCR testing limitations and recognition of comorbidities role in deaths due to COVID-19 have caused the CDC to issue new guidelines as of August 26, 2020, for testing and isolating people who are asymptomatic, recommending no testing and no quarantining even after coming in brief contact with others who have tested positive. 

These new guidelines also take into account that 90 percent of those who have died from COVID-19 are over 65 years of age, and the large majority are actually over 80 years of age. The number of people under age 24 who have succumbed to COVID-19 is so low as to be regarded statistically unaffected by this pandemic.

It is also important to note that not a single case of a child transmitting COVID-19 to an adult has been recorded anywhere in the world.

Simultaneously, the CDC adjusted downward its death count “from” COVID alone by a whopping 94 percent to just 6 percent of deaths caused “from” COVID alone. The remaining 94 percent had on average 2.6 comorbidities (other underlying critical conditions) contributing to their deaths “with” COVID-19.

These two new admissions from the CDC bring into sharp relief the more accurate risk involved with COVID-19 for the majority of populations. By its own standards as a category-2 pandemic, and those of the world's health organizations, COVID-19 no longer justifies continuing mitigation policies that shutter businesses and/or schools.

Included below is a chart of the 21 deaths attributed to COVID-19 in Scott County since March, 2020, through August 28, 2020. The information is compiled from death certificates identified by the Scott County Health Department, and comports with the CDC's national statistics.

The newest analysis represents very positive news. The public should still question information going forward, hopefully inspiring a more rigorous inspection of data and the policies that flow from it. These mitigations are having known and unknown consequences locally, nationally, and globally. Such magnitude of consequences deserves a whole lot more curiosity going forward.

21 Scott County Iowa COVID 19 Deaths March through August 2020 Death Certificate Information


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