James Corbett Interviews Whitney Webb November 25, 2021

As a fan of and junkie for independent and uncompromised journalism, it is especially noteworthy when James Corbett teams up with Whitney Webb. Corbett deconstructs historic and current world events, media, and technology nearly daily at CorbettReport.com. Webb documents her deep dives and research into publicly available documents concerning global power structures and their professed agendas at UnlimitedHangout.com.

RFK and Children's Health Defense Intends to Sue FDA: Warns Risks Far Outweigh Benefits for mRNA Eme

Numerous inconsistencies, controversies, and mass confusion relative to all things COVID-19 have prevailed thanks to mainstream broadcast, print, and social media's fear-soaked 24/7 narratives, bought and paid for by pharmaceutical companies and public-health authorities including the NIH, CDC, HHS, and FDA. Still, many of us continued to believe that an abundance of caution would be the norm rather than the exception when it came to experimentally injecting our children against a disease they are provably at zero risk from getting or giving to others.

$300MM Annually 26,000 Students 24 Candidates, 19 Questions

On Tuesday, November 2, Scott County Iowa voters have the responsibility of electing the school board directors in the districts in which they live. In the Bettendorf, Davenport, North Scott, and Pleasant Valley districts there are challengers running against incumbents. And there are two write-in candidates declared in the Davenport district. Most candidates run on their electability driven by their professional experience and/or vested interest in the district's governance because they have school-age children inside the system. While these are important attributes for said leadership, a grasp of the monumental issues facing our public school institutions is also a measure of one's qualifications to serve.

Massive randomized study is proof that surgical masks limit coronavirus spread, authors say

Denis Rancourt, in familiar intellectually disciplined form, unmasks the substantial defects in the latest study mainstream media is lauding as ending the “masks-don't-work debate.” For science geeks, this analysis is riveting. For data lovers, this analysis is evidence-based and powerful not just in showing the specific flaws relative to the study's stated achievements, but as a case study itself for how so many white papers and studies are propped up rather than keeping to scientific methodology that has prevailed until now, jeopardizing trusted journals and peer-review processes essential to scientific integrity.

The COVID Narrative is Facing Increasing Worldwide Challenge

The bridge too far in the COVID narrative for medical and science professionals worldwide has finally arrived: denying natural immunity's important role as an integral part of herd immunity to bring this COVID-19 pandemic to heel.

Time for a Mid-”Pandemic” Correction

An important rule of medicine is that when you’ve properly treated the patient and they are still not improving, then you may have the wrong diagnosis. Furthermore, dogmatically persisting in the wrong diagnosis ultimately results in injury or death to the patient.  We are now nearly two years into the “pandemic” and all we have heard from our leaders is the monotonous drumbeat – social distance, wear masks, get vaccinated. In the beginning, they said that masks were dangerous and COVID-19 testing was key to ending the pandemic. Now, municipalities seek to muzzle us all and testing is becoming difficult to find.

Melbourne Police Crackdown on COVID Protesters

Every so often there seems to be a test of the public’s will to check its obedience. As children in once meaningful classes in public school (when I was a kid), we were always taught how the Chinese, for example, could change collective policy overnight because the population did as it was told. That’s why it accepted the "one-child-per-family" rule almost overnight and by edict. This despite the fact that the Chinese people love children to an extreme. This is the sort of fealty you can expect from a vassal state. And it works. The Chinese people do as they are told.

Widen the COVID Lens on Medical Bigotry

After nearly 30 years of providing alternative news and views in sharp contrast to that of mainstream corporate media's highly scripted homogenous coverage (or lack thereof), it is the under-reported content that differentiates our journalistic missions. I have four (maybe five) favorite rules for life. Among them are (1) Never accept nonsense as a replacement for sense; and (2) Evidence matters. After 19 months of due diligence on all matters COVID without compromising these simple rules, I am confident Americans have been largely played.

Thank You, Scott County Iowa Sheriff Tim Lane

Since 2012, I've advocated the most critical and important locally elected office is the county sheriff. A sheriff who protects the county's citizens' property rights is the number-one indicator for a free and open society where value-for-value principles flourish. Here we re-publish critical questions and Scott County Sheriff Tim Lane's answers related to the COVID fear-mongering that dominates social media and mainstream so-called news.

COVID & the Kids: Responses to Eight Key Questions for Scott and Rock Island Health Authorties

Publisher's Note: The Reader is pleased to present our second Q&A with the Scott and Rock Island County Health Departments on controversies, contradictions, and conflicts that continue to plague the COVID-19 pandemic narrative. Questions were sent to both county health departments and simultaneously published in our June 2021 edition. And once again, to their huge credit, Scott and Rock Island health officials have fully engaged in this process, providing comprehensive responses for Quad Citians to consider.
