"The best way to explain natural (bio-identical) hormone-replacement therapy is to compare it to the history of insulin," explained Lisa Ploehn, clinical pharmacy specialist and owner of Main at Locust Pharmacy in Davenport.
The term "film" usually means a moving image in a rectangular shape, with sound. You watch them at home or at a movie theatre. Dietlinde Stephan has helped create a new form for the moving image, though.
Brad Shellady first saw The Texas Chainsaw Massacre when he was about 13 years old, at Milan's Memory Drive-In. You, too, would probably remember where you first saw seemingly dead Grandpa feebly try to crack the skull of some poor young woman with a hammer.
People who attend MidCoast Fine Arts' ninth-annual Great Mask Auction are used to people in strange outfits and wild hair - usually elements of attendees' costumes. But at this year's event on Saturday, October 19, Storm Design Team will feature avant-garde fashion and hairstyles in its runway show, a new addition to the MidCoast fundraiser.


The name of the work is Gridmo, and artist Tim Prentice says it represents what you think it means. If it doesn't inspire you, "it doesn't mean anything," said Prentice, a self-described "kinetic sculptor" from Connecticut.
Editor's note: This is the third in a series of articles on new developments in Quad Cities-area downtowns. LeClaire is a community that's trying to have it both ways, maintaining its quaint and historic character while fostering growth in its economy.
Think of a ship at sea aimlessly wandering because, after tossing the captain overboard, none of the crew knew how to work the rudder. This is analogous to Davenport's situation after firing City Administrator Jim Pierce in 2000.
Imagine you're a candidate for political office. You receive something called the National Political Awareness Test. It covers a dozen or so topics, from abortion to government reform to the environment. You're given a handful of choices - usually no fewer than seven - to indicate your views on each issue.
The phrases "chamber of commerce" and "bohemian" don't often belong in the same sentence. But the Illinois Quad City of Chamber of Commerce is trying to make those terms a little more comfortable together. At its annual meeting on September 19 at The Mark, the chamber will be celebrating the "Art of Business," and the theme isn't just lip service.
Most people would agree that our world has changed dramatically over the past year. In the eye of our immediate political tornado is a growing drumbeat for an invasion of Iraq, rampant corporate corruption, the erosion of civil liberties, a crashing stock market, pedophile priests, and the anniversary of the September 11 terrorist attacks, the most traumatic American news event in at least 50 years.
