QUAD CITIES - The Epilepsy Foundation of the Quad Cities will feature guest speaker John Lancial at its April 3rd Support Group Meeting.  John is a member/runner of Live Uncommon, has climbed a number of mountains (including Mt. Ranier) and has epilepsy.  John will deliver his inspirational/motivational talk at the UnityPoint-Trinity Moline campus.  The meeting starts at 6:30 with presentation beginning shortly after. There is no charge - everyone is welcome. Light refreshments will be served.   


For more information contact the Epilepsy Foundation at 309.373.0377 or email toefqc@efncil.org

Epilepsy affects 65 million people worldwide.  Epilepsy is the fourth most common neurological disorder in the U.S. after migraine, stroke, and Alzheimer's disease. Its prevalence is greater than autism spectrum disorder, cerebral palsy, multiple sclerosis and Parkinson's disease combined.  1 in 26 will develop epilepsy at some point in their lifetime:  that translates to over 14,700 individuals in our Quad Cities region.

It's time to talk about epilepsy.

AMANA, Iowa- SAVE THE DATE! Midwest's Greatest Wood Show, Woodfest sponsored by the Amana Arts Guild, returns for its fifth year to the Amana RV Park and Events Center August 22-24, 2014 with two major additions. The three-day wood show is adding a Tool Swap Meet and Wood Crafting Seminars to the over 50 wood crafting exhibitors from throughout Iowa and the Midwest.


The Tool Swap is open to all who have any kind of tools for sale or trade or are looking for that missing tool for their collection. Details and applications for displaying, selling or swapping tools can be obtained by emailing, woodfest@southslope.net. Event coordinator, RC Eichacker says, "There are many who no longer use or have need for good tools in their homes and shops. There are still many others who are looking for a secondhand item to meet their current need, skill level or project completion.


The 45 minute professional wood working subjects will include skill techniques as well as demonstrations of new and innovative equipment. As an introduction, all are free and open to the visiting public. Plans call for each seminar to be presented twice each day of the festival.


Special featured wood crafter of the Woodfest is Mr. and Mrs. John Woodhouse of Delhi, Iowa with their unique 3D artistry of barn scenes. Indoor and outdoor demonstrations of crafting techniques are ongoing throughout the early fall festival.


Woodcrafters who are interested in renting spaces should contact the coordinator, RC Eichacker, at woodfest@southslope.net or call 319-622-3908.



Accessing Credit Often Cited As Top Concern for New Farmers and  Ranchers


WASHINGTON, March 28, 2014?On Tuesday, April 1, Agriculture Deputy Secretary Krysta Harden will host a Google+ Hangout to discuss types of agricultural credit and ways to access them in support of new farmers and ranchers. The discussion will cover credit and financial options from USDA as well as outside partners including the Farm Credit Council. The Hangout will also feature farmers and ranchers who have successfully accessed credit from these sources as they describe their experiences and offer advice to others. USDA is soliciting discussion questions via social media using #NewFarmers.


Tuesday, April 1, 2014
4 p.m. EDT


WHAT: Agriculture Deputy Secretary Krysta Harden will host a Google+ Hangout to discuss types of agricultural credit and ways to access them in support of new farmers and ranchers.


  • Gary Matteson, Farm Credit Council, Vice President for Young, Beginning, Small Farmer Programs and Outreach
  • Chris Beyerhelm, USDA's Farm Service Agency Farm Loan Chief
  • Shirley Malek, goat and sheep cheese producer in Gilmanton, N.H.
  • Megan Kinsey, a squash, grape, and corn farmer in Sunnyside, Wash.
  • Matt and Jolene Nierling, beginning farmers who operate a dairy operation in northeast Iowa


WHERE:        Live on the USDA Google+ page or on www.usda.gov/live. Add your questions in advance or share your story on social media by using the #NewFarmers on Twitter, Google+, YouTube or Facebook.


USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer. To file a complaint of discrimination, write: USDA, Office of the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights, Office of Adjudication, 1400 Independence Ave., SW, Washington, DC 20250-9410 or call (866) 632-9992 (Toll-free Customer Service), (800) 877-8339 (Local or Federal relay), (866) 377-8642 (Relay voice users).

After a Lifetime of Climbing, Retirees Need to be Cautious on their Descent, Expert Warns

Most people don't know that 80 percent of mountain-climbing accidents don't occur on the way to the summit - they happen on the way down, says financial expert and extreme sports enthusiast David Rosell.

Although arriving at the top of the mountain is considered by many mountaineers to be one of life's greatest accomplishments, I can tell you firsthand that summiting is not the ultimate goal for climbers," says Rosell, CEO of Rosell Wealth Management and author of "Failure is NOT an Option," (www.DavidRosell.com).

"They know that most climbing accidents and deaths occur on the descent. With this in mind, they will tell you that their objective is to reach the summit and get back down alive to see their family and friends. They understand that the second half of their journey presents the greatest risk and requires the most planning."

"Likewise, we need to think of retirement as the descent from the financial mountain, which can be treacherous."

Retirees and pre-retirees need to evolve from the traditional view of retirement, especially with so much legitimate concern about an unprecedented retirement crisis on our immediate horizon, he says. According to a 2013 report by the National Institute on Retirement Security, 45 percent of working-age American households have no retirement savings.

That's on top of the 3.5 million baby boomers who have been retiring each year, and will continue to do so for more than a decade.

To help his clients thrive while experiencing descending their own financial mountains, Rosell briefly touches upon five major financial risks many experience during retirement.

• Inflation: During the second half of your financial journey, it's critical that you're able to maintain your purchasing power. Inflation simply means that every year your money buys a little - or a lot - less than it did the year before. Currently, inflation is 3.5 percent, which doesn't sound like much. However, even if the rate holds steady and doesn't increase, prices will have doubled in 20 years.

• Longevity: According to U.S. Census Bureau figures, the over-80 population is increasing five times faster than the overall population. By 2030, the demographics of 32 states will resemble those of Florida today. With more golden years to play, you'll want the funding to make them fun! "Today," Rosell says, "going gray means time to play."

• Health/long-term care: Sadly, the escalating costs associated with long-term care during retirement can make the possibility of outliving one's retirement income a reality for many. Statistics reveal that as we age, there's an increased probability of our eventually needing assistance with basic daily activities. The truth is that most of us will need long-term care in our later years.

• Market risk: Economic recessions have occurred throughout the history of modern economics and always will, averaging one almost every nine years. If the market loses 50 percent one year and then increases 50 percent the following year, where are you? Many people get this wrong; after the fall and subsequent rise of 50 percent, you will have lost 25 percent. "This happened twice in the last decade," Rosell says.

• The sequence of returns: Gains or losses, or the order in which you receive your returns, can have a major impact on your retirement portfolio. It can mean the difference between having enough income in retirement and running out of money too soon. Be careful when an analysis states that you should achieve your goals by obtaining a specific rate of return. In most cases, this statement has not accounted for the sequence of returns.

"These are by no means the only tricky slopes that may have an affect on your retirement," Rosell says. "Just as you have worked a lifetime to have money for your golden years, now is the time to manage your wealth wisely."

About David Rosell

David Rosell, author of "Failure is NOT an Option," (www.DavidRosell.com), is a sought-after speaker who has addressed international audiences including the Million Dollar Round Table. He is a recipient of the Retirement Distribution Certificate from the University of Pennsylvania's Wharton School of Business, and has been featured on NPR.  His company, Rosell Wealth Management, was a select finalist in 2008 for the management of the $500,000,000 Oregon 529 College Fund. He is the past chairman of the Bend, Ore., Chamber of Commerce, the City Club of Central Oregon and his Toastmasters chapter. With a current tally of more than 65 countries on four different continents, Rosell has a quest for extreme travel and adventure.

Congressman will turn over comments from Iowans to Pentagon next week  


Washington, D.C. - After receiving hundreds of impassioned responses from people all over the state opposed to cuts to the Iowa National Guard, Rep. Bruce Braley (IA-01) today is announcing that he will turn over those personal stories to Secretary Chuck Hagel at the Department of Defense next Thursday, April 3?leaving just one more week for Iowans to express their opposition to those cuts.  


"From reading the responses I've already received, it's clear Iowans appreciate and need the service and protection the Iowa National Guard provides," Braley said. "The Iowa National Guard bravely and selflessly serves Iowa's communities and our nation every single day, and I'm glad so many Iowans spoke out in support of the Guard. It's time the Pentagon hears from Iowa on this issue."


Braley has already received hundreds of responses from Iowans on the proposed cuts to the Iowa National Guard including personal stories of the positive impact the Guard has had on families and communities during times of natural disasters and conflicts abroad.

Additional stories can be shared on his website at: braley.house.gov

Earlier this month, Braley asked Iowans to share their experiences and thoughts regarding the Iowa National Guard in the wake of proposed cuts.

Braley has been a consistent advocate for Iowa's National Guard. In February, Braley sent a letter to US Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel outlining his opposition to cuts to Iowa's National Guard forces as the Department of Defense looks to reduce spending. 

In December of 2012 he joined Rep. Tom Latham in efforts to block cuts to the Des Moines Air National Guard.

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MOLINE, IL -- WQPT, Quad Cities PBS, in partnership with Western Illinois University-Quad Cities, the Child Abuse Council, Child Care Resource & Referral, the Mississippi Bend Area Education Agency, Quad Cities Association for the Education of Young Children and Rock Island County Regional Office of Education, is offering a conference on early childhood Saturday, April 26 at the WIU-QC Riverfront campus.

The annual conference, which will be held from 8:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m., features 18 different breakout sessions for parents, childcare providers and childhood professionals.  Topics include assessing and building oral language, the autism spectrum, drum circle rhythms, early math, home environments, physical and creative movement, preventing behavior problems, 3-D art, using non-fiction literature and many other topics related to early childhood development.

The registration fee is $25, which includes three workshops, a light breakfast and a free children's book. All conference participants will receive a training certificate. CEU/CPDU credits and/or a college credit course through Black Hawk College are available for an addition fee.

For more information or to download a registration form, visit wqpt.org/rtl or phone (309) 764-2400.

WQPT has served eastern Iowa and western Illinois for 30 years and is a media service of Western Illinois University.

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The Community Service Fair is a free opportunity for Davenport residents to get together to interact with each other and with various organizations that serve the community.  The purpose of the service fair is to raise awareness of programs and services which are available to the residents of Davenport.

The Community Service Fair will be at The Center at 1411 Brady Street on Saturday, April 26, 2014 from 10 AM to 2 PM.  Refreshments will be served and we will also have raffle prize giveaways for both table sponsors and the general public.  This event is hosted by the East Bluff Neighborhood Association and East Side Neighborhood Association and sponsored by The Center.

(OKLAHOMA CITY, Oklahoma) - Iowa Gov. Terry E. Branstad yesterday joined Oklahoma Gov. Mary Fallin in visiting a grove of trees the people of Iowa donated to the victims of the April 19, 1995, bombing of the Alfred P. Murrah Building in Oklahoma City. This is the first time that Branstad has returned to view the bombing memorial tree garden since he took part in a dedication ceremony in November 1995. 

"After the bombing in Oklahoma City in 1995, the governor's office worked with Iowa citizens to pay tribute to the victims of this horrific act in Oklahoma," said Branstad. "We remembered that two years prior to the bombing, Oklahomans graciously donated food and water to Iowans affected by the 1993 floods. I was honored to be able to pay my respects to the victims of the bombing and visit the grove that Iowans so generously donated during a difficult time for Oklahomans."

The idea for the grove came from former Iowa State Horticulturist Dan Cooper. Horticulture students from Iowa community colleges and Iowa State University planted the trees. The Iowa State Horticulture Society partnered with Iowa citizens and businesses to raise funds to cover the costs of the planting.

A November 17, 1995, article published by The Oklahoman described the grove of trees stating, "When the linden trees are mature, their tops will form a thick green canopy. The trees have a nondescript yellow bloom but it has a marvelous spicy fragrance."  


The article continued, "[T]he crab apple trees, which will be planted in a horseshoe shape in the center of the grove, have a dark pinkish-red blossom. They will be planted around a large piece of red marble, salvaged from the rubble of the Murrah Building, being placed in the center of the grove. On it will be a plaque dedicating the grove as a gift from the Iowa State Horticulture Society."

"Oklahomans will never forget the outpouring of support from across the country that helped us cope with the senseless and cold-blooded attack on the Murrah Building," Oklahoma Gov. Mary Fallin said. "Acts of kindness provided hope during those dark days. We are grateful for the many Iowans who donated their time and resources to design and plant a bombing memorial garden at the Oklahoma state Capitol."

Branstad is visiting Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, for a National Governor's Association conference on education and the workforce. Fallin, who was Oklahoma's lieutenant governor when the grove was planted, invited Branstad to visit the memorial.

Photos of the visit are available on Gov. Branstad's website. Photos are courtesy of Michael McNutt, Press Secretary in the Office of Governor Mary Fallin.


On March 27th, at approximately 4:53am, officers with the Transportation Safety Administration (TSA) were conducting routine screening at the Quad City International Airport checkpoint when they observed a firearm inside a carry-on bag. It was determined that the bag belonged to a subject later identified as John D. Van Epps, age 58, of Cumming, Ga..

Metropolitan Airport Authority Police Officers responded and took Van Epps into custody. A search of the carry-on bag revealed a loaded Walther PPK .380 handgun.

Van Epps was charged with Unlawful Use of Weapons and confined at the Rock Island County Jail. Bond was set at $5000.00, 10% applies.

All suspects are presumed innocent until proven guilty.

A short reminder that the KAABA Shrine Fraternity will be observing the Media Day on Tuesday, April 1, time 11:00 to 1:00.
Media Day is when the football players and cheerleaders who have been chosen to play in the North/South football game to be held in Cedar Falls on July 26th in the UNI dome, are recognized for their achievements.
The Representative of your company will be recognized during the lunch as supporting and publicizing this event in their lives, and would be most welcome to have your representative have lunch on us and get to know these fine ladies and gentlemen.
