There are various compassionate and generous efforts afoot in the Quad Cities that greatly alleviate animal suffering. Movers for Mutts is one of them, and as animals' families, guardians and stewards, we have an obligation to do all that we can to assist this worthy effort.

How much do you know about the Amish? I would like to introduce you to an Amish person who changed my life.

The blindfold is being yanked off lady justice.

Reading the words of Common Sense, the Declaration of Independence, the Federalist Papers, and the Constitution makes obvious to me how learned our founders were in governance and human nature, and how they captured both in the idea of our nation.

Back in May of 2017, Chicago Police Superintendent Eddie Johnson traveled to Springfield and promised a House committee that passing a criminal penalty-enhancement bill he favored would drastically reduce gun crimes in his city.

With his latest comments last Thursday, Governor JB Pritzker has taken almost every possible position imaginable on the Invest in Kids Act. During his first run for governor, Governor Pritzker agreed with the teachers’ unions and progressive activists by calling the program “a really bad idea,” and said he opposed keeping the law on the books.

Governor JB Pritzker and House Speaker Chris Welch both threw cold water on the idea of a veto session supplemental-appropriations bill to help Chicago handle the increasing influx of asylum-seekers from Venezuela. Speaker Welch told reporters last Thursday he had “made it clear” to Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson that “we were not expecting to do a supplemental budget in the veto session,” while the governor told reporters the week before that he hadn’t heard about any plans for a supplemental. Governors always know about supplementals because their office writes them.

I sent a top Democratic strategist who I respect a copy of the Venezuelan migrant-related poll I posted for my subscribers last week. Among other things, the M3 Strategies poll of 659 likely Chicago voters found that pluralities of likely Chicago voters said they opposed “migrants being housed by the city of Chicago” (49-46), while also saying it’s time to end Chicago’s status as a sanctuary city (46-39).

The Illinois Senate Republicans are amplifying complaints made earlier by the Illinois Republican Party and others about a massive economic development project in Manteno.

The State Remedy: How to Protect Your Wealth, Restore Comity for All and Save Our Republic For Futur

I am on a mission to re-establish a sound monetary system, one which uses gold and silver. Given the development of government controlled digital currencies and ledgers, the abuse of those who can least afford it by the Federal Reserve, and the state of America's affairs, there is no more important mission.

The climate non-skeptics are lulled into hapless orthodoxy, and the skeptics are quieted into non-pa

The article “Why EROEI Matters” by David Turver (Eigen Values, fascinates me. It gets my skeptic up. I won’t upstage Mr. Turver by summarizing it, but EROEI (Energy Recovered On Energy Invested) is a great way to compare the efficacy of energy sources, and his article is an excellent critique of our policy direction. You should read it.
