WASHINGTON D.C. ? Senator Tom Harkin (D-IA) announced today that $200,000 is coming to the City of Davenport to help prepare for energy emergencies and disruptions.  These emergency preparedness plans, funded through the Department of Energy (DOE) under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, will provide the city with resources to quickly recover and restore power following any energy supply disruptions.  Harkin worked to secure these funds through his role as a senior member of the Appropriations Committee, which wrote the Recovery Act.

"It is important that our cities are able to recover from the aftermath of any kind of emergency," said Harkin. "This award will help make it possible for the City of Davenport to restore itself to working order and get back to business in the case of an energy emergency."

According to the DOE, these Local Energy Assurance Planning (LEAP) funds are being awarded across the country to allow local governments to hire and train staff and expand their capabilities to respond to a variety of energy emergencies, such as blackouts, hurricanes, floods, ice storms, or possible terrorist attacks.  Each community will identify and assess energy supply disruption scenarios; train personnel on energy infrastructure and supply systems; and increase their knowledge of local energy interdependencies to reduce their response, restoration and recovery time.  Additionally, the LEAP funding will facilitate information sharing and coordination between states, local jurisdictions, and industry, reducing duplication and decreasing the time required to recover and restore the energy infrastructure.

WASHINGTON, D.C. - Senator Tom Harkin (D-IA) today announced that a total $1,236,175 will be coming to Iowa for public wellness efforts aimed at reducing obesity rates, decreasing smoking and promoting healthy living through increased physical activity and better nutrition.  The grants are being provided through the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and were funded in the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009.  Harkin worked to secure these funds through his role as a senior member of the Appropriations Committee, which wrote the Recovery Act.

"To improve our state's physical and financial health, reduce incidents of chronic disease and reign in rising health care costs, we must take steps to keep people well and out of the hospital in the first place," said Harkin.  "Today's funding shows that the Recovery Act continues to help Iowans on all fronts -- today making investments that encourage better health choices and help prevent the chronic diseases related to obesity and smoking."

Specifically, the funds will be used as follows:

$600,256 is being awarded for health policy and environmental change. Under direction of the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Iowa will receive funding to promote state-wide policy and environmental changes that support good nutrition, physical activity, obesity control and reduce tobacco use.

$635,919 is being awarded for tobacco cessation. Iowa will receive the funding to expand Quitline Iowa (1-800-QUIT-NOW), and promote its use through expanded media campaigns.  Quitline Iowa provides free support and coaching to all Iowans who wish to quit smoking.

WASHINGTON, D.C. - Senator Tom Harkin (D-IA) today announced that $439,776 in additional funding will be coming to Iowa for the Senior Community Service Employment Program (SCSEP) this year.  SCSEP is a community service and work-based training program for older workers.  It provides part-time, community service-based job training for unemployed low-income persons 55 or older.  Through this program, older workers have access to the SCSEP services as well as other employment assistance available through the workforce investment system.

"The unemployment rate for Americans age 55 and over is at a historic high, and this is particularly true for those with lower or outdated skills.  I am pleased that today's funding will provide the resources and training to give older Iowans the tools they need get back to work and make a good living," said Harkin. "We must continue to support programs that help all Americans find good jobs during these tough economic times."

Today's funding comes from the U.S. Department of Labor.  Harkin is Chairman of the Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education Appropriations Subcommittee, which funds labor initiatives.

Additionally, Iowa may stand to receive more support than the award announced today because national grantees also provide services in the state.

WASHINGTON. D.C. - Senator Tom Harkin (D-IA) today announced that $871,300 in Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grants (EECBG) from the Department of Energy (DOE) are coming to Davenport.  These funds were awarded to help the city improve its energy efficiency, reduce energy use and fossil fuel emissions and create green jobs locally.  Harkin is a senior member of the panel that funds energy initiatives.

"Iowa is already a leader in clean energy production and energy conservation. This funding will further our efforts to reduce energy costs in Davenport," said Harkin. "Additionally, these projects will create good 'green collar' jobs in Iowa and support our local economy."

Nationally, this block grant program provides funds for energy audits and building retrofits in the residential and commercial sector, the development and implementation of advanced building codes and inspections and the creation of financial incentive programs for energy efficiency improvements.

Funding will provide winter heating assistance to low income Iowans

WASHINGTON, D.C. - Senator Tom Harkin (D-IA), Chairman of the Labor, Health and Human Services and Education Appropriations Subcommittee, announced today that Iowa has been awarded $4,847,522 through the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP).  The emergency contingency funding will help eligible low-income Iowans meet home energy costs, and is in addition to the $67.8 million Senator Harkin secured for the state in Fiscal Year 2010 from the LIHEAP block grant.

"Winter can be a desperate time for people in need, and this has been a particularly brutal winter in Iowa," Senator Harkin said. "This funding will help thousands of low income households, especially those with young children and elderly, make it through the season."

On January 7, 2010, Senator Harkin joined a bipartisan group of 48 senators in sending a letter to the President urging him to release the emergency LIHEAP funding.  The full text of the letter can be found here.

In 2008, 95,234 Iowan households received LIHEAP assistance - one of the highest numbers on record.  A nationwide survey of households receiving LIHEAP aid found that 42 percent of recipients went without medical or dental insurance and 32 percent went without food for at least one day.
