What are the three most pressing issues likely to face your government body during your term, and what specifically would you support to address them? Ryan: Taxes - property, pension, Social Security benefits, federal deductability.
What are the three most pressing issues likely to face your government body during your term, and what specifically would you support to address them? Sunderbruch: Taxes - relief in property, pension, Social Security benefits.
What are the three most pressing issues likely to face your government body during your term, and what specifically would you support to address them? Madden: Eliminate any spending, programs, and agencies not authorized by the Constitution.
What are the three most pressing issues likely to face your government body during your term, and what specifically would you support to address them? Millage: Raising teacher salaries to be competitive with other states and other occupations.
What are the three most pressing issues likely to face your government body during your term, and what specifically would you support to address them? Deluhery: Better schools, safe neighborhoods, and good-paying jobs are the biggest needs.
The Scott County Board of Supervisors sure loves to spend our money. At their last meeting, supervisors held a "public hearing" on a 10-year lease for 6,000 feet of office space. They want to move the Juvenile Court Service that now rents public space in the county's Bicentennial Building into private space an equal distance from the courthouse.
Picture a $300,000 luxury home, with three-car garage, security fencing, deluxe intercom system, cable TV, whirlpool tubs, maybe a swimming pool in the backyard. Now picture a 7-foot-by-11-foot cell with a cot and toilet.
Brendan Wolfe's article "The Davenport Blues" in the July 19 edition of the River Cities' Reader was interesting reading but contains numerous errors and, as Clinton's spin doctors would say, frequently gives a "false impression.
I have read with sad interest the unfolding saga of Moline Alderman Chuck Davis, the questions involving his legal residency, and the public revelation of his unfortunate financial situation. News reports mention a pending charge of domestic battery.
Your August 2 cover story regarding predatory lending was excellent. I came to the conclusion many years ago that interest on loans above the amount necessary to provide the loan is theft. I think that would put it in a 2- to 4-percent range.
