Wii Sports Resort, the long-awaited sequel to 2006's Wii Sports, puts players in a tropical resort loaded with new activities to show off the Wii MotionPlus accessory that's bundled with the game, offering near-perfect motion control. There are 10 new game types, and most have variations to change things up.

Breaking the $49.95 package down, you essentially get a $30 game with the $20 MotionPlus controller add-on, and it's not a bad deal when you find a few games that get your blood pumping and keep you coming back for weeks on end. Everyone will have their own personal favorites, and it was easy for me to pick mine.

Tiger Woods PGA Tour 10

The Tiger Woods golf games have been a solid play experience for the past few years on every platform. The Xbox 360's and PlayStation 3's easy-to-learn controls combined with strong online support have ensured a high replay value. Fans had hoped the Wii's motion controls would improve the game further but were generally disappointed.

Enter 2009 and the new Wii MotionPlus accessory, giving the remote control near one-to-one motion detection for games programmed to use it. Simply put, your movements will be perfectly reflected in games. The upcoming Wii Sports Resort and Red Steel 2 include swordplay to highlight the enhanced motion detection, but Tiger Woods PGA Tour 10 was one of the first games available using this new add-on. If you're a golfer, you'll be hard-pressed to find a better golf simulator for use at home.