In an interview, Robert and Scott Cerny - who will be playing as the Cerny Brothers on December 23 at the Redstone Room - said their album Dream grew out of one song: "I Want You to Run." The record's second track, it fuses elements of country, folk, and bluegrass with polished vocal and lyrical stylings that sound more like pop.
Starting at an ambling pace, "I Want You to Run" mixes a simple drum and high-hat beat supporting steel and acoustic accompaniment that rolls into the first verse: "I want you to run / Past your childhood home / To the great unknown."
This verse embodies the major thematic element of the album - that yearning to leave, that desire to take a chance and have someone else come along to share the experience. The writing here has a simple elegance and unforced honesty that work with the intricate pick work to create a sense of urgency. Here there's a radical optimism that's at the core of the entire album, a refusal to believe that dreams are better deferred than pursued.