When: Saturday, July 4th at 1:00pm

Where: Downtown East Moline, 3rd Street to 15th Street, along 15th Avenue.

The Illinois Quad City Chamber of Commerce and the City of East Moline are proud to present the 51st Annual AMVETS 4th of July Parade to take place this Saturday, July 4th at 1:00pm in downtown East Moline. This year's theme is "Star Spangled Spectacular".

Over 15,000 people are expected to line 15th Avenue in East Moline to watch this salute to our country and our community. The parade will begin at 3rd Street and 15th Avenue, go down 15th Avenue and end at 13th Street.

Command Sergeant Major Blake will serve as the Grand Marshall for this year's 51st Annual celebration. Jim Mertens of WQAD will once again serve as the Parade Emcee.

For more information on the parade, contact Anne Spoden at (309)757-5416 or email intern@quadcitychamber.com.


We`re having a Street Festival!

Date: Sunday, July 12, 2009

Time: 10:00 a.m.–2:30 p.m.

Place: Christian Center Church, 2103 W. Third St, Davenport (corner of Third & Oak Streets).

Be sure to bring a lawn chair! (Bring an extra if you can!). Our day will include :

Gospel Music, an encouraging word, food, fun, and more! Concession Stand opens at 11:30 a.m.

A free-will offering will be received.

Everyone welcome! For more information, please phone: 563-322-2959.

"Star Spangled Spectacular"

Moline, Illinois? The Illinois Quad City Chamber of Commerce and the City of East Moline are proud to present the 51st Annual AMVETS 4th of July Parade to take place on Saturday, July 4th at 1pm in downtown East Moline. This year's theme is "Star Spangled Spectacular."

The 51st Annual AMVETS 4th of July Parade will carry on a tradition for the Quad Cities community of saluting all of the veterans that have served our country. With the theme, "Star Spangled Spectacular," the parade will be a spectacular tribute and celebration to those who served.

The Illinois Quad City Chamber of Commerce is currently accepting entries for the parade until Friday, June 26th. A $25 late fee will apply to all entries received after June 26th. To learn more or to enter your business or organization into this parade, contact Anne Spoden at (309) 757-5416 or email intern@quadcitychamber.com.

Over 15,000 people are expected to line 15th Avenue in East Moline to watch this salute to our country and our community. The parade will begin at 3rd Street and 15th Avenue, go down 15th Avenue, and end at 13th Street.


Join Scott County Historic Preservation Society (SCHPS)  for our June 11th meeting as Karen Anderson recounts "Patriots of the Prairies".
Hear about local people who where involved in the Civil War, the abolitionist movement, Supreme Court batle over Dred Scott and a local farmer's fight at the 1860 Chicago Republican Convention.
This meeting is open to the public free of charge.
Please join us on June 11, 2009 at 7pm at the Antoine LeClaire House, 630 East 7th Street in Davenport, Iowa.
Keep July 9th open for an evening tour at the Renwick Mansion.
For more information, please contact Duane Timm  at bigdaddydtimm@yahoo.com or you may call 563-323-4077.

May 11, 2009 -Quad Cities/Iowa-Illinois - The Greater Quad Cities Area PRIDE Fest '09 celebrates Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual & Transgender ("LGBT") Pride with a variety of events during June PRIDE Month and PRIDE Week, Sunday, June 21 - Sunday, June 28. The international theme for PRIDE this year is "Your Rights, Our Rights, Human Rights."  Says QC PRIDE co-chair, Rev. Rich Hendricks, "We've expanded on that theme locally by playing on the reality of change in Iowa and the possibilities for change in Illinois law --and with a reminder of last years' quite windy PRIDE day in coming up with a QC PRIDE '09 theme of 'Winds of Change.'"

Events will take place highlighting LGBT contributions to the community throughout the month of June. There will be LGBT displays at nearly all of the local public libraries, special art exhibits, history exhibits, informational forums, music and poetry exhibitions. The Pride Month Kickoff Event, "Touched by the Hand of God: Michelangelo's Models," celebrates on of history's most famous gay artists and will be held at the Figge Art Museum on June 2 with a special reception at 6:30 p.m. A Pride Guide will be published soon when event details and sponsors have been confirmed.

Sunday, June 21 begins PRIDE Week, with an Interfaith Picnic of Affirming Churches and their allies at LeClaire Park from 2 - 3:30 pm with a brief Worship Service 3:30 - 4 pm. Everyone is then invited to gather at 4 pm at LeClaire Park for Colors-Across-the-River for Equality (CARE) in support of equal rights for LGBT persons. This will involve displaying 1,000 rainbow pride flags and over 500 people lining the Centennial Bridge over the Mississippi River! Some are calling it "Rainbows Across the River," but whatever you call it, it will be a historic event! Persons will be able to participate for free and can keep their own Pride Flag for just $5. Participants are asked to sign up on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=52815401781

Gay comedian, Brian Bradley will be performing at Penguin's Comedy Club on Thursday, Friday and Saturday during PRIDE Week, and there will be a Freighthouse Pride Patio Party on Wednesday, June 24, followed by a dance at Club Fusion.

Culminating QC PRIDE Week will be the big festival on Saturday, June 27 at LeClaire Park on the Davenport riverfront.  The Saturday PrideFest will include live music, vendors, food and beverages.  Headlining the list of entertainers for the Bandshell will be Daphne Willis, Bumber Crop, Ronnie Niles and Funktastic Five. Last year nearly 900 people attended QC PrideFest '08, which featured 12 area nonprofit sponsors and numerous local business sponsors. "We had 45 vendors last year and plan to double that number this year, as well as to increase sponsorship by local businesses," says PRIDE Co-Chair, Jeff Simpson. Mary's on 2nd will host an "Over the Rainbow" Pride Party after the PrideFest.

Vendor booths of 10' X 10' are available for $50 ($60 if electricity is required) and include two free admissions. Admission to the Saturday PRIDE fest is $10 by advance ticket purchase or $15 at the gate. Contact Rich Hendricks at richdhendricks@msn.com

Tickets will be available mid-April from area nonprofits, key downtown Davenport merchants or on-line now at DavenportOne.com. A children's area with games and activities is also planned.

The lesbian rock group Halcyon will also be appearing at the Redstone Room in downtown Davenport on Sunday, June 28th to close out Pride Month activities.

QC PRIDE was started by Metropolitan Community Church of the Quad Cities with support from many outstanding nonprofit organizations, who also benefit by raising funds at PrideFest and by getting their message out to the public, including: Quad Citians Affirming Diversity, AIDS Project Quad Cities, DeLaCerda House, OneIowa, Equality Illinois, Progressive Action for the Common Good, QC Parents and Friends of Lesbians and Gays, and the Davenport Civil Rights Commission.

PRIDE festivities throughout the United States commemorate three nights of civil unrest known as the Stonewall riots. These riots occurred in late June 1969 in response to official harassment by the New York Police Department and are considered the birth of the movement for equal rights and liberation for gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender people.

Sponsored in part by Genesis Health System, Mary's on 2nd, Lujack's Northpark Auto Plaza, The Freighthouse, Redstone Room, Wells Fargo Bank, Augie's on 20th and more.

IOWA: Our liberties we prize and our rights we will maintain

Your Rights, Our Rights, Human Rights

Geared for kids ages 12 and under, "Put A Smile On A Child" will be held in recognition of National Stand for Children Day. Children, and their parents or guardians, are invited to join us on Thursday, May 28, 2009 from 5:00pm until 7:00pm at the PepsiCo Center on the campus of Augustana College, 1025 - 30th St, in Rock Island.

Enjoy several different children's activities along with a hot dog, chips and milk. Bring your youth group, school gorup, neighborhood, friends and family. All activities and food are free.

For more information, please contact Churches United of the Quad City Area at 309-786-6494.  Sponsored by Churches United, Swiss Valley Farms and the Rock Island Kiwanis.

Volksmarch and VW Auto Show


Saturday, 2 May 2009

At the German American Heritage Center

Hosted By:

The German American Heritage Center &

The Greater Des Moines Volkssports Association

Featuring the Davenport Farmer's Market & The Bi-State Volkswagon Club Classic Auto Show

Volksmarch Information:

5K (3.1 Mile) & 10 K (6.2 Mile)

Non-Competitive Walk

Start/Finish Point: German American Heritage Center,712 W. 2nd Street,Davenport, Iowa 52802

Start Times: 8:00 AM to Noon. Finish: by 4:00 PM.

Trail Rating: The trail is rated a "1+". The route will follow city sidewalks and the paved bike path along the Mississippi River. This year the walk features a classic VW Car Show on the GAHC grounds and the Davenport Farmer's Market! The market closes at noon, so be there early!

Pets: Pets must be leashed and under control at all times.  Pets are not allowed inside buildings.

Award: A GAHC "B" Award will be available.

Refreshments/Restrooms: Water will be available at the start/finish location. In warm weather, it is always a good idea to carry water.  Restrooms are available at the turn-around point.

Eligibility: This event is open to everyone and family participation is encouraged.  All events are noncompetitive.  You participate at your own pace.  Children under 12 must be accompanied by an adult.

Registration: Registration for this event takes place at the GAHC start location beginning at 8:00 a.m.  The fee for participants seeking only walk credit is $3.00.  A "B" award is available from the GAHC gift shop for $6. Those who desire neither award nor credit may walk for $2.00.  Every person must register and begin with a walk card. The event will be held regardless of the weather and there will be no refunds in case of bad weather.

Stipulations: With registration for this event the participants accept the guidelines for AVA Volkssports events and agree to observe the principles of good sportsmanship.  All walkers must sign a Waiver and Release of Liability.

Contact: Michael Hustedde

c/o GAHC

712 W. Second Street

Davenport, Iowa  52802


email: husteddemichaelj@sau.edu

VW Auto Show Information:

The Bi-State Volkswagen Club is based in the Quad Cities area on the border of Illinois and Iowa.  We are a non-profit club formed to encourage and promote VW driving, restoration, and all around Volkswagen FUN.  Whatever your STYLE, be it stock, custom, or race-radical you will find others who know where you are coming from (or where to find the parts to get you there).  Ownership is NOT essential; ENTHUSIASM IS.  Club membership is open to anyone interested in VWs and is reasonably priced at $10.00 per year for a family membership.  Membership includes a monthly newsletter, a club window sticker, and discounted auto parts through FOREIGN CAR PARTS.  Club meetings are normally held on the second Sunday of each month.   Times and meeting places vary depending on the planned activity.  Everyone is welcome and encouraged to participate at any and all meetings, events,functions, and activities.


Bi-State VW Club
Attn: Phil Vernon
237 W. 46th Street
Davenport, IA 52806

    Barak and Michelle are intentional about doing something meaningful every night at the dinner table with Malia and Shasha.

    They share a "Rose" (high for the day) and a "Thorn" (low for the day) to keep communication open with their daughters. National humorist, educator and Minister Rich Melheim is coming to town to add his own spin to this practice and, in the process, help strengthen local families during these tough times.

    Rev. Melheim, a Lutheran pastor and founder of Faith Inkubators (www.faithink.com), will be in Davenport May 6th on one stop of a 75 city speaking tour at St. Matthew Lutheran Church, 1915 West Kimberly Road, Davenport Iowa.

    Host Pastor: Todd Hunter

    Melheim has counseled parents on CNN, WNBC, KTLA and 50 network news channels from coast to coast. He is using this tour to "help families laugh, learn and lighten loads" by launching a six-week national experiment in intentional parent/child communication.

    Melheim will be offering an afternoon seminar for church workers and key family ministry leaders, plus an evening of comedy, practical parenting advice and challenge for families. The afternoon seminar runs from 1 - 5, and will unveil practical methods, models and means churches may use to enlist parents as partners in intentional nightly family ministry. The evening session, free to the public, is titled "Working on the Dream." At each evening event, the comic minister will present five simple steps to keeping families closer during trying times.

    "It'll be ½ standup comedy, ½ practical parenting advice, 12% shouting, 9% pillow fight, and 100% just plain fun," says Melheim. "Our goal is to enlist 10,000 families coast to coast to invest five minutes a night for the next six weeks. That's 42 days of family purpose, active listening and intentional caring parenting! We believe these simple steps can help a family hold together in a world that could tear it apart!"

    The evening event is open to parents and kids of all faiths and runs from 7-8:30 pm.

    Faith Inkubators is a cross-denominational Christian education think tank dedicated to "incubating faith every night in every home." Find out more about the organization, the "Faith 5" communication technique, and national tour details at www.faithink.com.

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Prayer... America' Hope is the focus of the 17th Annual Quad Cities National Day of Prayer.  Join us from 6:30am - 8:00am on Thursday, May 7, 2009 at The Lodge, 900 Spruce Hills Dr., Bettendorf.

The Master of Ceremonies is Mike Mickle; the Keynote Speaker will be John Bustle, Vice-President, John Deere Foundation; and special musical presentations by Scott Schaefer.

"May your unfailing love rest upon us, O Lord, even as we put our hope in you." Psalm 33:22.

Admission is $10 in advance, $12 after May 1st.  Students are $5 in advance, $6 after May 1st.  Visit any Quad Cities YMCA or email qcndp@quadcitiesymca.org.

Sponsored by: Quad Cities YMCAs - St. Ambrose University - Churches United of the Quad City Area - Augustana College.

Are You Interesting In Researching Your Family History But Don't Know Where To Start?


Come to the German American Heritage Center's Beginning Genealogy Classes starting this Thursday, April 2nd at 6:30 p.m. to begin the journey to your family's past!


The following topics will be covered during the six weeks of class:

  • Beginning Your Research? - Importance of Record Keeping
  • Documenting Your Research:  Primary & Secondary Sources
  • Finding Information by Contacting Relatives
  • Library Research:  Determining What Library - What to Look for and How to Get it
  • Census Records: What They Are, What They Contain & Their Importance to My Research
  • Court House Records:  Types of Records & Where to Find Them

Instructor Scharlott Goettsch Blevins has taught genealogy classes for over 30 years, is past president of the Federation of Genealogical Societies, past president of the Iowa Genealogical Society, and member of many other organizations locally and nationally.  She has traveled throughout the country, England and Germany on extensive genealogical research trips.

ALL ETHIC GROUPS COVERED!  Beginning Genealogy Classes Thursdays:  April 2 - May 7   6:30 p.m.

Cost:  $50/person Non GAHC member - $45/person GAHC member; minimum 10 participants  - registration required.

Offered at the German American Heritage Center,712 West 2nd Street Davenport, IA 52802.

Contact (563) 322-8844 director@gahc.org for more information
