ANKENY, Iowa - The Iowa component of the Ron Paul 2012 Presidential Campaign announced that Iowa Republican State Central Committee member James Mills has publicly endorsed Dr. Paul. 

Mr. Mills already serves as 4th District co-chairman for the Ron Paul 2012 Presidential Campaign and a national advisory board member of "Homeschoolers for Ron Paul."  However, as a function of his endorsement he is clarifying his support for Dr. Paul from the perspective of an Iowa Republican Party leader.

"I'm pleased to endorse Congressman Ron Paul for the Republican nomination to defeat President Barack Obama next year," said Mr. Mills, who is an educator in Mason City living in Nora Springs.

"Dr. Paul's consistent record of unwavering principles continues to attract new voters to the Republican Party.  His ability to unite a diverse, grassroots following is a testament to his message of Liberty.  Dr. Paul's firm belief and confidence in the power of the individual, free markets, sound money, and a non-interventionist foreign policy is needed to lead the charge at the top of the ticket," said Mr. Mills. 

Mr. Mills is a lifelong Iowan raised on a family farm.  He graduated with a B.A. from the University of Northern Iowa in Math Education.  He worked as a teacher in the Nora Springs Rock Falls Community School District and the Mason City-based Sylvan Learning Center, which he now owns. 

"The endorsement of Ron Paul by Republican Party of Iowa State Central Committeeman James Mills is further proof that Dr. Paul's message resonates with Republicans," said A.J. Spiker, Iowa Vice-Chair for the Ron Paul 2012 Presidential Campaign.

"Dr. Paul has been endorsed by more members of the Republican Party of Iowa's State Central Committee than any other candidate seeking the presidency.  Five of the 17 members of the RPI leadership have now endorsed Ron Paul. James Mills joins Drew Ivers, A.J. Spiker, David Fischer and Jeremiah Johnson in endorsing Ron Paul for President.  Each of these party leaders represent more than 100,000 registered Republicans in their respective districts," said Mr. Spiker.

Authorized and paid for by Ron Paul 2012 PCC Inc.

Fifth Ward Candidate Jordan Schneider will hold a 'Meet & Greet' at Rocks Anchor Grill at 1526 Harrison Street on the Hill Top Campus on Saturday, October 8, 2011.
Rock Eddleman owner of Rock's Anchor Grill is a big fan of Jordan Schneider "because she is the only who listened and cared about the water pooling on the sidewalk after the cement was replaced. Jordan actually took the time to come down to my restaurant several times and spoke with me about the situation. She actually got someone down here from Public Works to look at the sidewalk and she is not even on the City Council-yet!" said Eddleman.
Schneider and Eddleman share a connection that they did not even realize. Rock Eddleman served in the United States Navy for 22 years. He worked under John Sidney McCain Jr., the father of U.S. Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz. Schneider was the adjutant for the Alexandria Young Marines in Virginia. During her tenure as adjutant she assisted the Young Marines in putting together their very own Birthday Ball. Joe McCain, Senator McCain's Brother was the guest speaker at the event. "Joe was always very supportive of my endeavors especially the Gunnery Sergeant John Basilone Stamp Campaign." Schneider reminisced.
The 'Meet and Greet' will be held in the new wing of Rock's Anchor Grill. Coffee and Cake will be served.

Schneider believes that campaigning is essentially a very large and long job interview. "I want to know what people expect of their city council representative. And I want to hear their ideas, solutions and concerns."
The 'Meet and Greet' will take place directly after the second Fifth Ward Forum that is being hosted by Davenport Association of Professional Firefighters, DAPFF, at 12:00 pm on Saturday October 8, 2011 at the Village Theater in the Village of East Davenport, 2113 East 11th Street, in the East Village,

Thanks Outgoing IDPH Director Dr. Arnold for His Years of Service

CHICAGO - September 30, 2011. Governor Quinn today appointed Dr. Craig Conover as acting director of the Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH) and Jean Ortega-Piron as acting director of the Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS). Dr. Conover replaces Dr. Damon Arnold, who is leaving IDPH to create a Master's of Public Health degree program at Chicago State University.

"As he departs to pursue a new opportunity, I want to thank Dr. Arnold for his years of dedicated service to the people of Illinois," Governor Quinn said. "Dr. Conover's experience in a variety of medical fields will ensure that Illinois' public health system continues to protect and improve the health of the people of our great state."

Dr. Arnold's tenure at IDPH has seen the department winning a number of awards and grants, including a $24 million federal grant to implement its "We Choose Health" initiative, announced yesterday. Under his leadership, the department has consistently received top scores from the Centers for Disease Control for public health preparedness, and has transformed its grant tracking and monitoring system to increase accountability. Dr. Arnold also worked to secure public-private partnerships for the state's State Health Improvement Plan (SHIP) to improve the health of Illinois residents.

Dr. Craig Conover has held several positions at IDPH since 2002, currently serving as Illinois' chief epidemiologist and medical director of the office of health protection, where he is charged with responding to and preventing disease outbreaks. Before joining IDPH, he served as attending physician at the Emergency Department at the University of Vermont and Chairman of the Division of Infectious Diseases at Provident Hospital in Chicago. Dr. Conover holds a master's degree in public health from the John Hopkins School of Medicine and an M.D. from the University of Rochester.

The Governor also appointed Jean Ortega-Piron to serve as acting director at DCFS. Since 1996, Ortega-Piron has served as Deputy Director, Guardian and Advocacy, acting as guardian for all children committed to DCFS by Illinois' juvenile courts. In that role, she was instrumental in establishing the first-in-the-nation Memorandum of Understanding between a state child welfare agency and Mexico, and also established a system for monitoring psychotropic medications for state wards, described by the Chicago Tribune as the "gold standard" in the country. She has also served as the DCFS chief administrative law judge and administrator of the Appeals and Hearings Unit. Prior to that, she worked as chief legal counsel for the Illinois Department of Mental Health and Developmental Disabilities. Ms. Ortega-Piron is a graduate of Rosary College and the Chicago-Kent School of Law.

Moline, IL...State Representative Rich Morthland (R-Cordova) was recently appointed to the Local Government Consolidation Committee. House Bill 268, which passed both Houses, created the Local Government Consolidation Commission Act of 2011 that provides legislative recommendations that would minimize duplicity and increase efficiency in local government bodies.

"My experience on the Rock Island County board offers the Committee a fresh perspective on local government. I thank Leader Cross for the opportunity to serve local governments in another capacity on the Local Government Consolidation Committee," said Morthland.

Cordially Invites you to:
Providing for the Common Defense:
The First Duty of the 'Super Committee'
Wednesday, October 5th from 3:30 p.m to 4:30 p.m.
Congressional Meeting Room North, CVC 268, Capitol Visitor Center
1st Street, SE and East Capitol Street, NE
Washington, DC 20515
Panel Participants Include
Representative Mike Conaway (TX-11)
Representative J. Randy Forbes (VA-4)
Representative Trent Franks (AZ-2)
Representative Doug Lamborn (CO-5)
Rear Admiral Jim Carey, Chairman, Flag & General Officers' Network
Lt. General Jack Klimp, President, National Association of Uniformed Services
Frank J. Gaffney, Jr., President, Center for Security Policy
Scott Cooper, V.A. Tea Party Federation
To RSVP, please e-mail Adam Savit at
The congressional 'super committee' that emerged from the extraordinary debt ceiling legislation adopted by Congress last August faces the daunting mandate of reigning in federal spending that many argue is a symptom of a government that has far exceeded the bounds established for it by the Constitution.  While this charge to enforce the Framer's intent should be commended, its methods may in fact bring about an equally unconstitutional result; that is, the failure to "Provide for the Common Defense."

Today the "Coalition for the Common Defense," announces its "Statement of Principles," which, at its core, rejects the false choice between military strength and economic health. We hope you can join us as we begin this effort to return the nation's defense to its constitutionally proper place as the preeminent responsibility of the federal government.  The presentations will be followed by a Q&A session.
Debbie Wasserman Schultz to address Braley supporters in Waterloo
Waterloo, IA - On Sunday in Waterloo, Rep. Bruce Braley's will hold his 7th annual "Bruce, Blues and Barbeque" Iowa grassroots fundraising event.  Democratic National Committee Chairwoman Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz will headline the event and address supporters.
Bruce, Blues and Barbeque is open to the public.  Tickets are still available at or at the door.  Cost is $15 for students, $30 for individuals, $50 for couples, and $75 for families.  Doors open at 1:30pm.
Braley and Wasserman Schultz will hold a brief media availability at approximately 2:10pm before they address the crowd.
Sunday October 2nd, 2011
1:30pm - Bruce, Blues, and Barbeque
3:30pm UAW Hall, Local #838
2615 Washington St.
Waterloo, Iowa
Approx. Media Availability with Braley and Wasserman Schultz
2:10pm UAW Hall, Local #838
2615 Washington St.
Waterloo, Iowa
# # #

Attributed to resonating message, sizable crowds LAKE JACKSON, Texas - 2012 Republican Presidential candidate Ron Paul is getting attention - and complimentary frontrunner stature - from GOP newspaper "The Iowa Republican."

Is Ron Paul the New Iowa Frontrunner?
By Kevin Hall

As the rest of the GOP field experiences the highs and lows of the campaign trail, one candidate's support remains constant.  Ron Paul's supporters are the most fervent, the most loyal, and there are plenty of them in Iowa.

A larger than expected crowd of 160 packed Gates Hall in Nevada to hear Paul speak at a Story County GOP chili supper Tuesday evening.  "It's always a good thing when you have to panic right before a fundraiser when you don't know if you have enough tables and chairs," said Story County GOP chairman Cory Adams, who has endorsed Paul.

The Texas congressman's supporters comprised the majority of the crowd.  One of the youngest, Shayla Peters, 11, spoke to the crowd before Paul was introduced.  She read a recent school report written about a person she admired.  Peters chose Ron Paul as her subject.

"He's always clear in his decisions and he's always for the Constitution," the sixth grader told The Iowa Republican.  "He always gives straight answers and that's what I like."

Shayla Peters is hardly alone in her appreciation of Ron Paul's libertarian views.  His message is resonating with a significant contingent of Iowa Caucus goers.  Drawing sizable crowds at every tour stop, the Texas congressman has a motivated and active base.

A link to the full article can be found here.

Authorized and paid for by Ron Paul 2012 PCC.

Kris Thiessen and Josh Davenport prefer Paul ANKENY, Iowa - The Iowa component of the Ron Paul 2012 Presidential Campaign announced today that two Clay County Republican Party officials have endorsed Dr. Paul for President of the United States.

"The reason I was first impressed with Congressman Paul and continue to be is his strong stand to preserve our individual freedoms, personal responsibility and States' rights, and to limit the power of the federal government," said Clay County Republican Chair Kris Thiessen. 

The first round of federal bailouts and stimulus inspired Ms. Thiessen to organize Spencer's first Tax Day Tea Party rally.  A small business owner for 25 years, she has been the Clay County GOP chair since July 2010.  Her husband George is a 20-year Navy reservist who served in Afghanistan in 2006 and supports Dr. Paul, as do the couple's three children.

"I am starting to hear people say, 'This is the Age of Ron Paul.'  I think they are right.  It's the age where Americans across the country are saying our government is too big.  Republican candidate Congressman Ron Paul is the only one who will bring sanity to the White House," said Ms. Thiessen.

Ms. Thiessen publicly endorsed Dr. Paul at his Spencer Town Hall on Tuesday, which attracted 135 supporters and interested voters.    

"Ron Paul's economic plan and his principles of limited government are what our nation needs more than any other political promise that is being touted.  Whether we want to realize and admit it or not, things have really changed economically to the point of threatening our national security," said Josh Davenport, Clay County Republican Party Co-Chair. 

Mr. Davenport is a Baptist pastor in Spencer, as well as a Spencer Tea Party leader. Mr. Davenport says that most people would consider him to be an evangelical fundamentalist Christian, and that he supported Mike Huckabee in the last presidential cycle.  Adding that he likes a lot of what Dr. Paul's colleague Rep. Michele Bachmann says, he settled on the idea that Dr. Paul has a solid track record.   

"So many things have happened that Ron Paul said would happen, what he says makes sense to me and he has a proven legislative track record to prove what he would do as president.  Our nation is tired of the nonsense.  The people don't want to vote for another party-establishment candidate who won't dare to make the necessary changes and Ron Paul is the only one who can defeat President Obama in 2012," said Mr. Davenport.

Authorized and paid for by Ron Paul 2012 PCC.


DES MOINES - Thursday, September 22th, OFA Iowa will hold an office opening party and phone bank for volunteers and supporters in Davenport.

Organizing for America has been engaging and training volunteers and building new supporters since the President was inaugurated.  Since the launch of the re-election campaign in April, OFA Iowa staff and volunteers have held over 100 trainings, planning sessions, house parties, and phone banks.  OFA Iowa volunteers have made over 100,000 calls to supporters and held 2,298 one-on-one conversations. Through these efforts, OFA Iowa has collected over 20,000 "I'm In" commitments from across the state.

OFA Iowa is opening eight campaign offices -- Cedar Rapids, Sioux City, Des Moines, Waterloo, Davenport, Iowa City, Dubuque, and Council Bluffs.


WHAT: Davenport Office Opening

WHERE: Scott County Democrats Office, Midtown Plaza, 1706 Brady Street, Davenport, IA 52808

WHEN: Thursday, September, 22, 5:30-7:30 pm

To find out more about the Iowa campaign please visit Iowans can also connect with the campaign on Facebook at, and on Twitter at

"A $1.5 trillion tax hike will do nothing to help us out of this mess" LAKE JACKSON, Texas - The Ron Paul 2012 Republican presidential campaign has released a statement in response to President Obama's speech outlining his proposed jobs and deficit plan. See statement from Ron Paul 2012 National Campaign Chairman Jesse Benton below.

"President Obama's job creation and deficit reduction plan will do nothing to combat joblessness or reduce the crushing debt that the federal government has accumulated and is still accumulating.

"That's because when the President starts targeting the so-called rich, he's really targeting small business owners, so ultimately he's threatening the little guy.  The President's plan, then, will result in a fatal broadside to the national economy from Main Street on down.

"The President's class-baiting rhetoric categorizes Americans into opposing groups and pits them against one another, purely for his own political gain. This gets us nowhere as a nation, and nowhere closer to solving our economic problems.

"A $1.5 trillion tax hike will do nothing to help us out of this mess we're in, and will more than likely create more problems, lead to less investment, and cause more job loss at a time when Americans of all kinds are hurting.

"President Obama and his administration refuse to confront the realities of our situation and the actions that are necessary. We must reduce spending, instead they pretend that the budget can be balanced and prosperity restored by increasing spending and taxes.

"Instead of raising taxes, this administration should cut corporate welfare, foreign welfare and end the trillion dollars overseas wars by bringing troops home.

"These would be sound policy actions, the kind that create prosperity and engender greater freedom. These are the kind of policies that a President Ron Paul will advocate for and institute to restore limited government principles and a strong America."

Authorized and paid for by Ron Paul 2012 PCC.

