Des Moines, IA (PRWEB) August 8, 2010 -- My Life with Ewa: The Early Years debuts on August 10, 2010. Library Tales Publishing (out of the literary capitol of New York) is pleased to introduce this true story to the national media. Beginning in his home state of Iowa, Pratt will be available for interviews, podcasts, and local author nights. He is also available for national media conversations and commentary.
My Life with Ewa is immersed with unique sub-story stepping stones. First person narratives, such as an encounter with President Jimmy Carter and the late Pope John Paul II, add to this spell-binding romantic biography. My Life with Ewa provides a voyeuristic view into a husband's courtship of his wife.
Tim Pratt beautifully sets an intriguing atmosphere for his audience. Starting with a simple traffic ticket, his latest work is well traveled against landscapes such as the cold-war of the seventies & Rouen, France. My Life with Ewa appeals to a wide-demographic of literary aficionados. The book is laced with cultural references, including football and barbershop harmonies. Baby boomers will find both Pratt and Ewa especially easy to relate to. A reflection of life, love and the journey to holy matrimony- Library Tales is certain My Life with Ewa will be a contender for a variety of best-seller lists.
Tim Pratt was born and raised in Iowa. Currently, he is Director of Wealth Management for a large accounting firm. Pratt resides in Des Moines, Iowa , with his wife of thirty-two years.
Library Tales is arranging book signings and story-telling events for Tim Pratt. JumpStart Ink has been engaged to credential multi-media requests for My Life with Ewa: The Early Years.
To schedule a book signing or story-telling event for Tim Pratt please contact: Usher Morgan at or www.mylifewith,