Because many of us were once teenagers, we rely on those past experiences to help us understand and cope with the behavior of today's teens. That works only to a point. While many of the problems that plagued our post-pubescent years are similar to those of our children, the scope, depth, and intensity varies significantly with the times.

The times greatly contribute to the evolution of common issues that often overwhelm, confuse, and misdirect young people - more today than ever before.

On Monday, March 26, at 6:30 p.m. on the second floor of the River Music Experience, the City of Davenport is hosting a "kickoff" meeting that will commence a "public process to design the expansion of LeClaire Park." The city's news release reads: "With the pending departure of the Isle of Capri's Rhythm City gaming operation away from the riverfront, a historic opportunity exists for the community to gather and collectively share ideas to transform the soon-to-be vacated property to uses everyone can enjoy and be proud of." The city claims that no design consultants will be used to "develop the conceptual plans" to expand LeClaire Park. The staff will introduce the project and provide background information and a schedule of upcoming input sessions. The city states: "The project's focus will be to use a community-based, grassroots approach to help the city take the next step in the evolution of its magnificent Mississippi riverfront."

The old adage "Don't confuse me with the facts; my mind is made up" characterizes the modus operandi of four Davenport aldermen - Jamie Howard, Charlie Brooke, Ian Frink, and Brian Dumas - and Davenport Mayor Ed Winborn.

It is especially appropriate relative to their collective refusal to submit to the public's demand (and the majority of the council's vote) to leave Thursday's standing-committee meetings intact.

The Davenport city leadership is receiving strong objections from the community regarding the elimination of regular standing-committee meetings by folding them into the bi-weekly Committee of the Whole (COW) meeting. How responsive it will be to the collective opposition to this serious degradation of the public process remains to be seen, especially since it tends to conduct far more business behind closed doors these days.

Here's the question: If eliminating the Davenport City Council's Thursday-afternoon standing-committee meetings is a positive change for Davenport citizens, then why all the hush and rush?

There are three significant positions to be filled in Davenport's economic development in the near-future: City Director for Economic and Community Director, Director for DavenportOne, and Director for Quad Cities Development Group.

Talk about the opportunity of a lifetime! Here is a chance to enact real change in Davenport, considered by some to be the flagship of the Quad Cities. Those who will influence our new hires will either see the path or they won't - the path being to hire individuals with genuine leadership skills that are foundationally inclusive, versus the exclusive policy that has dominated economic development in Davenport for so long.

At the end of the day, you either have your self-respect or not. The degree of one's own self-respect will inevitably dictate the level of respect given by others. This holds true for a lot of things, including city leaderships.

Elected officials learn the hard way that by failing their constituents by acquiescing to special interests while in office, they are less respected by the very special interests benefiting from that failure. Most of these politicians eventually find themselves out of office and out of favor with everyone, including the people for whom they abdicated their integrity.

Due Vigilance

The November elections demonstrated that the real power in politics still belongs to America's citizenship - the voting citizenship, that is. Republicans were unseated not because Democrats could or would provide better leadership, but because the people believed that Republicans categorically failed in this mission on their watch.

Click here to vote. The deadline is January 15, and we'll be conducting weekly drawings from valid ballots for great prizes.

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Remember: You must provide valid answers for at least half the categories for your ballot to be counted.

Due to a production error, an incorrect version of page 19 was printed in the November 29 issue. A short calendar article and several listings -- particularly in the theatre category -- were omitted as a result.

To download or view a .pdf file of the correct page, click here
