Don Faust, John VanDeWoestyne, Jonathan Grafft, and Justin Raver in Escanaba in da MoonlightOn Thursday night, the cast of the Richmond Hill Barn Theatre's Escanaba in da Moonlight brought me to a place I'd yet to arrive at in all of the theatre I've seen in the area: I experienced a fit of tear-filled giggles so strong, so overwhelming, that I missed several lines of dialogue.

Christopher Tracy and John VanDeWoestyne in Lend Me a TenorSeveral minutes into the Playcrafters Barn Theatre's Lend Me a Tenor, I was concerned that I was in for two more hours of comedy that fell flat with forced funniness, rendering it unfunny, and jokes more worthy of groans than chuckles. But then John VanDeWoestyne's Tito, the titular tenor, and Diane Greenwood's Maria, Tito's wife, entered the stage, and brought with them the strong farcical performances that, until that point, were lacking in Saturday night's performance.

David Herr, Eli Pauley, and Phillip Newman in Lend Me a TenorThere are nights during the run of a happily manic, door-slamming farce when everything seems to go magically right: The actors hit their marks exactly on cue, the dialogue lands with almost inhuman accuracy, and the set's many doors open and shut with razor-sharp precision. The audience, meanwhile, barely has time in between laughs to catch its collective breath.