GRAND RAPIDS, MICHIGAN (February 12, 2025) — The expansion of voucher programs, which provide tax-payer-financed subsidies for families enrolling students in private schools, has prompted a debate about their fiscal impact. A recent EdChoice report argues that these programs do not negatively affect public school finances and actually save tax-payers substantial sums of money. A new review explains how this argument rings hollow.
In his review of “Fiscal Effects of School Choice: The Costs and Savings of Private School Choice Programs in America Through FY 2022,” Mark Weber of Rutgers University and the New Jersey Policy Perspective walks readers though the report’s simplistic and unvalidated methods, showing how they lead to the invalid conclusion that the programs result in tax-payer savings.
The report’s estimation of the number of students likely incentivized by vouchers to switch from public to private schools — as opposed to students who use the vouchers to subsidize a private-school education that they would avail themselves of even without the voucher — is wholly unfounded. This problem is crucial, since the latter (“stayers” in private schools) represent a large new expenditure for states with voucher programs.
Weber also points out the report fails to recognize that private and public schools serve different students, with public schools enrolling more students with specific educational needs that drive up costs. Weber notes additional methodological assumptions that are fatally flawed, likely underestimating the true costs of private school-voucher programs.
Ultimately, he concludes, the report’s lack of empirical evidence, reliance on poorly-formed theories, and careless methods render it useless to policymakers.
Find the review, by Mark Weber, at:
Find “Fiscal Effects of School Choice: The Costs and Savings of Private School Choice Programs in America Through FY 2022,” written by Martin F Lueken and published by EdChoice, at:
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