ROCK ISLAND, ILLINOIS (July 12, 2023) — The Midwest Writing Center will host a Community Conversation Brown Bag event on Thursday afternoon, July 27, at the Rock Island Public Library Downtown Branch. The event will feature memoirist and Davenport native Ben Miller, and award-winning poet Ann Pierson Wiese, who will talk about their work, their life together in writing, and why they believe writing is important.
The Community Conversations are events hosted by the Midwest Writing Center that center around a simple question: Why is writing important? Our featured writers will answer this question to illuminate why they write, what it does for their lives outside of publication, professional advancement, etc., what brought them to the page in the first place & what keeps them coming back? Our goal for these events is to encourage more people to find some kind of simple writing practice that can benefit them in their daily lives — mind, body, and spirit. The floor will be open for questions/discussion following the authors’ remarks.
The event is free and open to the public, and attendees are encouraged to bring their own lunch.
This Community Conversation event is supported by the Illinois Arts Council Agency, Illinois Humanities, and the Rock Island Public Library.