2024 Reader Photo Contest Secret Records Transparent Promo Photo
With spring in the air, it's time again for the River Cities’ Reader's annual Spring Photo Contest!
For 2024, the three new categories for your submissions are: “Secret,” “Records,” and “Transparent.”
Entrants are welcome to interpret the categories however they wish.
The deadline for entries is Saturday, April 20, and the rules are below. Gift cards from loyal Reader advertisers will be awarded to first-place winners, and we will publish both contest champs and runners-up at RCReader.com and in the May print edition of the River Cities’ Reader.
1) Entries should be e-mailed to photos@rcreader.com with the subject heading “photo contest.” No physical prints will be accepted.
2) All photographs must be received by 10 p.m. Central Daylight Time on Saturday, April 20, 2023.
3) Photographs must be saved in the JPG or TIF format at a resolution suitable for newspaper publication. Generally speaking, each entry should be at least 1,200 pixels on its shortest side.
4) All photographs must be previously unpublished.
5) Photographers are limited to three entries apiece. You may submit multiple images in a single category, but each photograph counts toward the three-entry limit.
6) All entries must include the name of the photographer, a daytime phone number for the photographer, and the category in which the photograph is being entered. Although not required, we welcome short statements (fewer than 100 words) that provide context for the image – for example, notes on the photographic subject or the shooting circumstances.
For examples from prior years' contests, visit www.rcreader.com/tags/photos.
We look forward to your entries!