Concerned about Health Care Reform?
Let your voice be heard.
Trinity at Terrace Park
Conference Room A/B
Thursday, April 23
7:30 -9:00 am
$15 per person - includes breakfast
Join us at Trinity at Terrace Park for a discussion on Health Care Reform. Dr. Alta Price and Karen Metcalf will present findings from a Town Hall Meeting on Health Care Reform which was held on March 28 at Augustana College. The Town Hall Meeting was open to the public and allowed citizens to discuss community health care needs and share ideas about the meaningful and measurable changes needed in order to meet those needs.
Input from the Town Hall Meeting will be forwarded on to the local congressional delegation. Make sure the business community is heard! This breakfast will be informative and will allow you to express your views.
Call the Bettendorf Chamber of Commerce at 355-4753 for reservations.
Thank you to our sponsor: Trinity Regional Health System.