Applicants must:
Be a 2009 Moline High School graduate
Have a GPA of 2.8 on a 4.0 scale
Provide a transcript and proof of class rank
Be involved in at least one community service activity
Submit an essay answer to the questions "What do you anticipate your life to be like in fifty years?" and "What prompts your interest in this scholarship?"
Applicants who want to pursue a college, university or trade/technical school education are encouraged to apply for this newly established scholarship.
The scholarship funds have been generated by alumni of the Moline High School Class of 1959. They have conducted hog roasts, participated in Birdies for Charity and received other donations. The initiation of this scholarship in 2009 will commemorate the MHS Class of 1959's fiftieth reunion and the golden anniversary of the current Moline High School campus located at 3600 Avenue of the Cities, Moline.
To obtain a copy of an application for the Class of "59" scholarship, please contact the counseling department at Moline High School or call Linda at The Moline Foundation at (309)764-4193.
Founded in 1953, The Moline Foundation is a community-based, non-profit organization which provides grants to health, human services, education, community development, the arts, and other charitable organizations which benefit the citizens of the Quad City region. The Moline Foundation receives and administers charitable gifts and has a current endowment fund of approximately $13 million. For more information contact Executive Director Joy Boruff at (309) 736-3800 or visit The Moline Foundation Web site at www.molinefoundation.org.
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