Questions remain unanswered about Reynolds’ method of travel.
Des Moines, IA – On the last official day of the Legislative Session with several key pieces of legislation yet to be decided, Governor Reynolds left the state to attend a fundraiser for her campaign instead of remaining to finish the negotiations. Due to Republican gridlock over how much money to give away to wealthy special interests, the legislature has yet to pass a budget and, therefore, must stay in session on taxpayer dime until that business is complete.
Reynolds herself thought this week’s negotiations were important enough to cancel her work-related travel, but, apparently, fixing the Reynolds Budget Crisis falls to the wayside when donors call.
Additionally, it is unclear how she traveled to and from Rhode Island. Public records indicate that Reynolds could not have taken a commercial flight back from Rhode Island. Reynolds was called to the carpet last June for using Casino magnate Gary Kirke’s private jet to fly around the state of Iowa.
“Governor Reynolds has shown time and again her priorities lie with her campaign donors, so it’s no surprise that she would ditch our state in the middle of critical budget negotiations to rake in the cash. We know that she earned that money by selling Iowa priorities out to extreme, conservative policy experiments, like the privatization of Medicaid and the attack on workers’ rights. Unfortunately for the Governor, jet-setting to the east coast for campaign cash won’t change her record, and it won’t keep Iowa voters from kicking her to the curb in November,” said Iowa Democratic Party Chair Troy Price.
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