The TaxSlayer Center has announced they will begin a 2018-19 Hockey season ticket renewal drive beginning Friday, April 6, 2018 at 10am. Fans are asked to visit the TaxSlayer Center Box Office to place a FULLY REFUNDABLE $25.00 deposit per seat. There will also be a sign-up table on the concourse at the April 6 and 7 Quad City Mallards games.
All deposits will be FULLY REFUNDABLE if a team is not secured for the 2018-19 season.
Current season ticket holders and fans that place deposits will have priority on 2018-19 season ticket seat selection and the opportunity to retain their current seats. Ticket prices will not be finalized until the process is complete.
"The Quad Cities has a passionate hockey fan base and this drive is a critical step in determining the interest in retaining hockey in the Quad Cities," stated Arena Executive Director, Scott Mullen. "There has been significant interest from multiple entities to own a team here and the goal in the coming weeks is to secure a strong ownership group with a successful business plan to continue the 23 year legacy of providing exciting, family affordable entertainment in our community. It is imperative that all the loyal hockey fans and corporate partners bear with us as we work to keep hockey in the Quad Cities."
Mullen and former Mallards owner Howard Cornfield also announced they will be scheduling a town hall meeting in the near future for hockey fans once the process enters the next stage in order to gather input, comments and suggestions as well as update fans on the progress.
2018-2019 Hockey Season Ticket Drive
Begins: Friday, April 6, 2018 at 10am
$25.00 Deposit per Seat / FULLY REFUNDABLE
Visit the TaxSlayer Center Box Office in person.
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