The first Quad Cities Prayer Center (QCPC) School of Worship graduation was held Saturday, June 21.
Five students were in the inaugural graduating class. The school is one of the ministries of the Prayer Center. The special evening was held at The Center on Brady St. in Davenport.
Attending were all the graduates, their families and friends, plus QCPC
staff and board members. The grads led a time of worship after the
dinner, and then executive director (and School of Worship instructor)
Scott Schaefer brought each grad up front, shared a little bit about
each and presented them with their certificates. Graduates pictured
are, from left: Nathan Schaefer of Moline, Matt Oberhaus of Davenport,
Nathan Johnson of Geneseo, Steve Findley of Moline and Jordan Brown of
The next School of Worship begins September 9. It's a specialized 10-month program designed to teach and equip men and women to be lead worshippers in local churches. This program consists of classroom training and hands on experience, as well as private lessons. Enrollment of new students for next year's school is going on now, and for more information, call 309-269-6237 or go to the School of Worship Web site at http://www.schoolofworship.org