Having issues with RCReader.com?  Can't quite seem to get where you're wanting go or do what you're wanting to do?  The RCReader Support Team is here to help you!  Below are some Frequently Asked Questions.  If these don't help, you can always e-mail the Support Team directly at support@rcreader.com.


  • I tried to register for the RCReader.com website, but I didn't recieve a confirmation e-mail? 
    • The first thing to check is your spam or junk folders in your e-mail to see if your junk filters caught the e-mail.  If not, use the Username and Password you used to register at the site and log in.  Click the OK button on the window that comes up, and then log in one more time.  This resends your confirmation e-mail to you address.  If you continue to have issues, e-mail the support team at support@rcreader.com.
  • Where can I go for your Advertising Media Kit?
  • I really love your (X) Guide, Best of the Quad Cities poll, or other feature.  When can I expect the next one to turn up?
    •  Our publishing calendar is available in Adobe Acrobat PDF form HERE.  If you can't open up the file, you can download Adobe Reader at Adobe's website HERE.

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