

A Benefit for the LeClaire Community Library
LeClaire, Iowa
Friday, April 13, 2007
6:00 - 8:30 P.M.

at the
Mississippi Valley Welcome Center,
900 Eagle Ridge Road, LeClaire


· Live jazz from the Ron Madow's High Society Jazz Band,

· Wine tasting* from Tabor Winery,

· Desserts and hors d'oeuvres from local businesses and restaurants!

· Basket Raffle

· A scenic view of the Mississippi River


· Minimum donation is $15 per person in advance, $20 at the door

· To buy tickets in advance, go to the Welcome Center, LeClaire Library or to buy online with a credit card, go to

· Tickets can be bought at the door

· Attire is "LeClaire Chic"  -- this event is meant to be a relaxed, casual atmospere - NOT snooty!

Presented by the Friends of the LeClaire Community Library
and our generous local sponsors!

* Non-alcoholic beverages will be available.

Special Thanks to the LeClaire Tourism Board for the $500 grant that enabled 100% of the funds raised by this event to go directly to supporting and promoting the Library!

For more information, call 563-505-6703.


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