SPRINGFIELD - Lt. Governor Sheila Simon will be joined tomorrow by Illinois Chamber of Commerce President and CEO Todd Maisch to announce findings from a comprehensive study of the economic impact military bases and the defense industry has on Illinois' economy. The first-of-its-kind study in Illinois will be available for use by advocates at the local, state and federal levels to take full advantage of changes in Defense Department (DoD) spending.

The study was produced by the Center for Governmental Studies at Northern Illinois University for the Illinois Chamber of Commerce Foundation and the Lt. Governor's Office. It examined economic factors tied to Illinois' three major, active military installations -- the Scott Air Force Base, the Rock Island Arsenal and the Naval Station Great Lakes - as well as DoD contracts, National Guard facilities and payments tied to military retirees and students.


DATE: Nov. 20

TIME: 9:30 a.m.

LOCATION: Blue Room, Illinois State Capitol, Springfield


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