Project Will Include Drainage System Work
STERLING-ROCK FALLS - Governor Pat Quinn today announced a $324,000 capital investment for a construction project at the Whiteside County Airport in Sterling-Rock Falls. The project is part of Governor Quinn's agenda to create jobs and drive Illinois' economy forward. The contract was awarded following a competitive bidding process and addresses a critical infrastructure need while creating construction jobs.
"Investments in airports like this one in Sterling-Rock Falls make them more efficient and safer while creating construction jobs," Governor Quinn said. "This project will continue to ensure that Illinois has a strong, 21st century infrastructure."
The drainage system servicing Runway 18/36, a critical safety feature at the airport. will be rehabilitated for $324,976 by Martin & Company Excavating of Oregon, the lowest of five bidders. The Illinois Department of Transportation, Division of Aeronautics will manage the project, which includes federal, state and local funding.
"By providing funds to make improvements at the Whiteside County Airport in Rock Falls, we are further enhancing the infrastructure throughout the 36th District," State Senator Mike Jacobs (D-Moline) said. "These funds will provide jobs and benefit the economy in Whiteside County."
"This is the sort of development that Whiteside County needs," State Rep. Mike Smiddy (D-Hillsdale) said. "As we improve our roads, airports and other vital transportation infrastructure, we improve our economy and our communities."
The state funds for the project come from Governor Quinn's $31 billion Illinois Jobs Now! program, which supports more than 439,000 jobs over six years. It is the largest capital construction program in Illinois history, and is one of the largest capital construction programs in the nation.