Springfield, IL... State Rep. Rich Morthland (R-Cordova) filed legislation Monday aimed to simplify FOID card procedures in Illinois.
"The bill allows card holders to update their Driver's License or State ID to include their FOID number and expiration date, thus allowing them to be in compliance with state statute and while only requiring them to have one card," explained Morthland.
House Bill 6232 is a response to an Auditor General report last spring that found the Illinois State Police Firearms Services Bureau's faulty reporting resulted in ineligible people obtaining FOID cards. The audit also cited lengthy certification delays.
"This is the beginning of our work with the Illinois State Police in the streamlining of the FOID process. I will continue to work with ISP in changing overly burdensome regulation and allowing them to focus on our public safety."
The bill does include provisions to counter abuse by requiring the State Police to notify the Secretary of State when a FOID card holder becomes ineligible and requires the Secretary to confiscate the invalid identification card. Records showed that nearly 20,000 FOID cards were revoked in 2008 and 2010, but the Illinois State Police recovered only 30 percent.
"Allowing the Secretary of State to confiscate revoked cards would strengthen the system and put less risk on the general public," said Morthland. "I think anytime we can simplify citizens interaction with government is a good thing. It is a smart bill and in the end will save taxpayers and the state money and make it better for Illinois residents who chose to own firearms."