Des Moines, IA -- Today, small business owners and middle class families in Cedar Rapids, Davenport, Des Moines, Dubuque and Sioux City respond to an independent report, which found that in order for Mitt Romney to pay for his $5 trillion in tax cuts for millionaires and billionaires, he'd have to raise taxes by $2,000 on middle class families with children.

"We are a typical middle class family. We work full-time to provide for our son, Cooper, and a second child on the way. We had the opportunity to talk to President Obama about the $4,900 in tax relief we have received over the course of his first term. We told him the tax relief is vital to supporting our family whether it's finishing our basement for more space for our growing family or putting money towards Cooper's college education fund. That's why we are disappointed to hear about an independent, non-partisan report finding Mitt Romney's plan would hike taxes for families who have children and make less than $200,000 would see their taxes go up an average of more than $2,000. And Romney is raising taxes on middle class families to pay for a $5 trillion tax plan skewed to the wealthiest. To some people, $1,000 or $2,000 might not seem like that much. But to us, that's a big deal. A thousand dollars is a big deal. Five hundred dollars is a big deal. Our family literally can't afford Mitt Romney." --Jason and Ali McLaughlin, middle class family in Cedar Rapids

"President Obama plans to extend middle class taxes that would prevent a tax increase for 97 percent of small businesses.  As a small, independent business owner in Iowa, that's music to my ears. The President is looking out for the best interests of the middle class (many of whom are my regular customers), while Mitt Romney tax hike plan for the middle class gives huge tax breaks to the wealthiest Americans. The President believes that relieving millions of American families by extending middle-class tax cuts is the best way to grow our economy. That's why I will be backing the President in the fall." --Kevin Perkins, independent business owner/Clean Sweep QCA LLC in Davenport

"As a middle class Iowan and a Republican, I am standing by President Obama again this election. We tried Mitt Romney's formula for the past decade, and it crashed our economy and punished the middle class. The President,  meanwhile, believes that relieving millions of American families by extending middle-class tax cuts is the best way to grow our economy. President Obama has provided the necessary health care for us, and the tax cuts will allow savings for education and funds for purchasing American goods and services. Working families just can't afford Mitt Romney and neither can America. "  -- Keith Uhl, lawyer in Des Moines

"My husband and I are proud to have had the opportunity to grow our small business and support our family right here in Iowa, and we couldn't have done it alone. From support from my family and friends, to help from the Small Business Administration to write my small business plan, that support has helped my business succeed. Meanwhile Mitt Romney is looking to hike taxes on the middle class, while giving away more tax breaks for the wealthy. President Obama understands that, and that's why he has helped small businesses like mine. He's cut taxes for small businesses, helped them invest and grow, and his jobs plan will help them keep creating two out of every three new jobs. And the President has made it easier for small businesses to access credit, which is vital to adding small businesses to our economy. I know President Obama has my business's back."    --Anne McDonough, owner of Plane Art Designs in Dubuque

"Romney's tax breaks for the wealthy are so large that to pay for them, he'd have to cut some of the most important tax benefits for the middle class. That could force my family to pay higher taxes on my home mortgage. President Obama's plan reduces the deficit in a balanced way while Mitt Romney's tax hike on the middle class would be detrimental to my family. That's way I am supporting the President this election season." --Andrew Emanuel, father/husband/small business owner in Sioux City


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