The 4th of July is meant to celebrate our freedom - freedom that we only have and maintain thanks to our brave troops who serve.
As Americans back home are enjoying fun in the sun, firing up the grill, and watching some fireworks, let's not forget our troops in Afghanistan...ESPECIALLY ON INDEPENDENCE DAY.
Troopathon is only a week away, and we owe it to our troops to make it a success! Help us raise enough to send the largest shipment of packages we've ever sent to our troops overseas! Donate to Troopathon now!
Let's compare how our troops are spending their 4th of July with how we're spending our holiday.
Fireworks are a national tradition on the 4th of July. Back home, we can enjoy these amazing displays of pyrotechnics at parks, air bases, or other public places. Many cities allow families to light their own fireworks in the street. Millions of Americans went to religious services this weekend at synagogues, churches, temples and other houses of worship. Across the nation people listened to sermons, and knelt to pray for wealth, their health, a promotion, more money, a new car, a chance to hit that lotto number. Is there anything better than a nice barbeque in the backyard or a picnic at the park? Thousands this weekend flocked to parks and hung out in the patio out back grilling up delicious hot dogs and hamburgers. |
In Afghanistan our troops versions of fireworks today might look like this. It's called a "Controlled Detonation". An IED was luckily discovered and detonated from a safe distance before it kills or more of our troops. But in Iraq and Afghanistan our troops were praying too, not in big beautiful churches, but huddled together outside their trucks ready to go out and meet the enemy. They are praying that they make it back alive and live to see the day when they can see their loved ones again. Our troops in the field had to make due with M.R.E.s that come with a meager hot dish, and usually a piece of bread or cracker. Luckily the packages come with salt and pepper, but even that isn't enough to make MREs more than barely edible. |
This is the time to send our troops a care package with thick cuts of savory beef jerky in peppered, teriyaki and original flavors. Each of them also includes refreshing Gatorade, coffee and cookies to wake them up in the morning, and jelly beans and other delicious goodies give them some comfort during their difficult deployments.
They are completing their missions to keep us safe back home. Show your thanks and appreciation with a care package that will boost morale and give them what they need to keep fighting.
Don't we all love to enjoy the outdoors? Back home we can enjoy a nice hike in the mountains and take the natural beauty of this magnificent land we live in. In your leisure time, isn't it nice to kick back and enjoy a day out on the lake fishing with your friends and family? There's nothing better to do on a beautiful 4th of July afternoon but talk and wait for that fishing line to tug. |
Our troops spending their days climbing huge mountains in Afghanistan. In the oppressive heat, our troops have only the supplies they can carry on their backs! In Afghanistan, our troops don't get to spend their free time hanging out or watching baseball, they spend their free time cleaning their weapons and making sure their equipment is in tip top shape. Their lives depend on it. |
We depend on our troops to protect the freedoms and liberties that we're celebrating today. There are many terrorists out there who would destroy America and kill our families and fellow citizens if they had the chance. Our troops are the only thing standing in their way.
Think about how nice we have it here back home in America, the greatest country in the world because of the promise of freedom and liberty. That liberty is protected by our troops serving overseas right now. Don't they deserve a little bit of thanks in recognition of what they go through and what they sacrifice for us back home?