New Ad Scrutinizes Wasteful Use of Taxpayer Dollars
IOWA CITY, IOWA - Today Americans for Prosperity (AFP), the nation's largest advocate for economic freedom, held a conference at the National Press Club announcing the release of a $6.1 million ad buy. The new ad is launching along with nationwide grassroots action that holds President Obama accountable for his wasteful use of taxpayer dollars.
Titled "Wasteful Spending," the ad highlights billions of stimulus dollars that were given to foreign companies, mostly to subsidize their own green energy projects.
CLICK HERE to view and download the Wasteful Spending ad:
"The white house continues to let ideology, government cronyism, and bad judgement influence economic policies that are hurting hard working iowans." said AFP-IA State Director Mark Lucas. "Energy prices are rising as the administration pays off their friends in the green energy market. This is evidenced by giving $530 million to the now-bankrupt Solyndra. Iowans deserve a much better return on their hard earned tax dollars."
Over the next two weeks, the ad will air in the following eight states: Colorado, Florida, Iowa, Michigan, Nevada, New Mexico, Ohio, and Virginia. As the ad kicks off, AFP will launch a tour featuring rallies and educational townhalls throughout the country. In Iowa, rallies and educational events will take place in Iowa City and Des Moines.
In the past, AFP has focused on President Obama's willingness to risk taxpayer dollars in other green energy schemes. The group launched two ads focused on the Solyndra failure, dedicating $6.5 million combined. At $6.1 million, this latest effort is the largest to date.
To interview Mark or learn more about the ad, please call 319-333-9124 or email
Americans for Prosperity (AFP) is a nationwide organization of citizen-leaders committed to advancing every individual's right to economic freedom and opportunity. AFP believes reducing the size and intrusiveness of government is the best way to promote individual productivity and prosperity for all Americans. Americans for Prosperity does not support or oppose candidates for public office. For more information, visit