Neal Boortz Tags Herman Cain as Guest Radio Show Host
(Atlanta) Listeners of the Neal Boortz Radio Show who enjoy Herman Cain's twice-weekly chats with Boortz get an extra treat this week from the golden voice. The businessman and former presidential frontrunner will command the Boortz microphone for a full three hours this Friday, February 17.
Mr. Cain will guest-host for Boortz from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. EST, based at the Atlanta studios of News/Talk WSB and heard by more than 4 million people on 250 radio stations nationwide.
"Mr. Boortz may be the 'Mighty Whitey', but as his listeners know I'm the 'The Dean of the University of Common Sense.' and I'm color blind," joked Cain of his old friend and radio colleague. "I spent three years hosting my own talk show at WSB. It will be good to be back 'home'. I promise that Boortz's listeners will not be disappointed."
In fact, listeners will be treated to Mr. Cain's startling take on President Obama's newly proposed budget. "I have this budget pegged for the atrocity that it is, in just three numbers," Cain said. "And they're not 9-9-9.
Be sure to mark your calendars as well in March. Mr. Cain will again guest host the Neal Boortz Radio Show March 1st, 3rd, 19th and 20th.
Don't miss these opportunities to hear the opinions, analysis and solutions that made Mr. Cain so popular on the campaign trail and in even more demand now. If you cannot tune in via radio, there are many other ways to listen in:
- Click here to listen live on your computer
- Click here to find stations that carry the Boortz Show
- Click here to download an app to listen to the Boortz Show on your mobile device
In addition to his Monday and Friday appearances with Boortz, Mr. Cain's golden voice is heard twice a day on WSB with two-minute nuggets of commentary and political analysis to the theme of "We are not stupid", highlighting ways in which government seeks to distort, distract and disarm the American people.
Mr. Cain is also currently working to help the American people -- 'we the people' -- take back our government through Cain's Solutions Revolution. Discover how these solutions will come to life - across the nation, in our states and in our local communities by visiting