The ad has already been emailed to the Pauls' supporters and is available on YouTube. The ad will run on television in the key early voting states of Iowa and New Hampshire December 24th and 25th, Christmas Eve and Christmas Day.
The 30-second ad features the junior Senator from the Commonwealth of Kentucky talking about his father flatteringly, as most sons would. And yet, the praise he heaps upon his father is uncommon because of the Pauls' stature as preeminent antiestablishment political leaders in areas such as fiscal restraint and constitutionality.
Sen. Paul connects the principles of the tea party movement that elected him to an unexpected landslide victory with his father's lifelong commitment to that same doctrine. These are values the senator describes as actions against politicians that support more debt, bigger government, government bailouts, and establishment priorities.
The ad begins with the scene-setting, "I'm Rand Paul. My father taught me the value of commitment to faith, family and our Constitution." From there, with a Christmas tree as backdrop, Sen. Paul puts forth the idea that his father the senior Dr. Paul is closely aligned with the tea party.
Both Pauls are by trade medical doctors, with the senior Dr. Paul a prolific OB-GYN who personally delivered more than 4,000 babies and the junior Dr. Paul an accomplished eye surgeon.
"He's always stayed true to his principles and convictions. He won't falter, he won't bend, and he will restore what made America great," Sen. Paul concludes before the customary "God bless America," and wishing viewers a Merry Christmas.
"Senator Paul is always there for his father and he will make a great First Son. Through this ad, the senator makes a strong argument for why citizen activists concerned with America's future are ideal partners with Ron Paul in restore\ing America to prosperity and its founding principles," said Ron Paul 2012 National Campaign Chairman Jesse Benton.
To view the upcoming television ad featuring Sen. Rand Paul online, please click here.
In statements below, family representatives express their support for the 12-term Congressman from Texas, characterizing him as a champion of education freedom and Christian principles.
With four girls and four boys, the Charles family of Murray has been homeschooling for over 12 years. Christopher Charles offered the following statement:
"Raising our children up 'in the nurture and admonition of the Lord' is a Biblical command we take very seriously. This command is the primary reason why my wife and I homeschool our eight children. Ron Paul's flawless record in Congress on issues of individual freedoms is one of the many reasons we strongly support Dr. Paul for President of the United States. Without the guarantee of freedom that Ron Paul staunchly defends, our freedom to homeschool our children faces great uncertainty."
Bob and Janie Toomey of Runnels are proud parents of four children spanning ages 10 to 18 years of age and have been teaching their children since birth. The parents wrote, "Supporting Ron Paul for president is a matter of staying consistent with our homeschooling principles, such as the freedom to teach our children our religious beliefs, which in turn affect our daily life choices."
"Supporting Ron Paul is supporting healthy economic freedom and personal responsibility. Lastly, supporting Ron Paul is standing alongside a fellow Constitutionalist who understands what is at stake for this country, ourselves, and our posterity," added Mr. and Mrs. Toomey.
Summarizing her support, six-year home educator Michelle Brookhart of Windsor Heights said, "As a Christian and homeschooling mother of six, Ron Paul supports all the things I could have ever hoped for in a presidential candidate: peace, freedom, protection of life, and support for home education. While the other candidates seem to just say what they think people want to hear to get elected, Dr. Paul is standing up for what he believes in and has a plan to get our nation back on its feet. My children are so near and dear to me, so I have a vested interest in their future. With Ron Paul, I finally feel this future can be a bright one."
Those interested in joining the active "Homeschoolers for Ron Paul" nationwide coalition are encouraged to visit the official page by clicking here. Those residing in the Hawkeye State should email Iowa Voter Outreach Director Meghann Walker at meghannw@ronpaul2012.com for more information about how to join.
"Today I am endorsing the candidacy of Ron Paul for President of the United States, as Dr. Paul is the one who I believe is most in conformity with biblical principles. He is not a perfect candidate and does have issues that give me pause, but he stands apart from the other contenders.
"Issue stances that appeal to me include embracing a strong prolife position, adhering to biblical teaching on just weights and measures, the potentially crippling dangers of a debt-based economy and fractional reserve banking system, parental rights in the education and care of their children, a non-statist and voluntary approach to welfare, a non-invasive foreign policy, and a proper understanding of checks and balances in the exercise of political power not only within the Federal government, but between the Federal government and the states.
"Ron Paul's consistent commitment to his vow to uphold the Constitution of our republic has rendered him an 'unelectable liability' in the minds of many in the Republican establishment but it is this same consistent, principled and uncompromising stand that also endears him to many freedom loving Americans who desire to see this great land turned from its present suicidal course of massive debt, economic bailouts, international meddling, forced welfare, unjust taxation and increasing moral confusion.
"Please consider voting for Ron Paul in the upcoming Republican caucuses this January 3rd," said Rev. Holmes.
In endorsing Ron Paul for the presidency, Rev. Holmes mentioned he was doing so as a private citizen and not on behalf of Sovereign Grace Church congregants.
News of the endorsement was well-received by Ron Paul 2012 Iowa Chair Drew Ivers who said, "Rev. Holmes' expression of support, including biblical justifications many other Christians will appreciate, is most welcome. His support and that of other Christian faith leaders puts a strong top-three caucus showing closer in reach."
Mike Heath, Iowa State Director for the Ron Paul 2012 campaign, is visiting Christian churches across Iowa to do outreach and discuss Ron Paul's candidacy. To date, Heath has visited 256 houses of worship across the state toward that end. Heath is an ordained Christian minister.
If ministering in Iowa, local pastors interested in discussing an endorsement are invited to email the Iowa Director of Voter Outreach, Meghann Walker, at meghannw@ronpaul2012.com.