Ron Paul Campaign Releases Updated TV Ad 'The One' Ad argues that Paul and his 'Plan to Restore America' will remedy Washington's ills
LAKE JACKSON, Texas - The Ron Paul 2012 Presidential campaign unveiled an updated version of its path-breaking television ad "The One," this time arguing that a Paul presidency and its fiscal plan will counteract Washington afflictions while ushering in economic prosperity.

The 60-second ad, presented in a movie trailer style, will run on broadcast and cable television in Iowa and New Hampshire beginning today.  The ad points the finger of blame at Washington - "a lost city" - focusing on "failed policies, failed leadership...smooth talking politicians, insider deals, games of he said-she said, rhetoric, and division." 

The ad then presents Ron Paul as the only Republican presidential candidate that stands tall against such a poisonous atmosphere, instead "voting against every tax increase, every unbalanced budget, every time."  The ad touts provisions of Ron Paul's "Plan to Restore America" including cutting $1 trillion in year one of a Paul presidency, eliminating government waste, and achieving a balanced federal budget.

"With the U.S. economy in shambles, Americans are demanding leaders that are knowledgeable about how the economy works and how to ensure that Washington creates the proper climate for sustainable growth and lasting prosperity.  This updated ad shows Ron Paul as the sole candidate with an economic plan to restore America, and at the same time singles him out for his unimpeachable integrity," said Ron Paul 2012 National Campaign Chairman Jesse Benton.

To view the television ad online, please click here.
Ron Paul Iowa Team Welcomes Additional 'Homeschoolers for Ron Paul' Members
Latest families who value education choice reside in Polk, Kossuth and Pottawattamie counties
ANKENY, Iowa - The Ron Paul 2012 Presidential campaign welcomed new additions to its already-substantial "Homeschoolers for Ron Paul" nationwide coalition.  The new additions hail from Polk, Kossuth, and Pottawattamie counties, all Iowa.

The continued growth and geographic diversity establishes Ron Paul as a candidate with strong support among Iowa's homeschooling families and organizations.  Furthermore, it illustrates that Dr. Paul might receive tangible support for his principled positions on education freedom, as the 12-term Congressman from Texas seeks a strong top-three showing in the January 3rd Iowa Caucus.

A smattering of the latest "Homeschoolers for Ron Paul" members have stepped forward with the following public statements of support:

Maria Maher of Ankeny is a mother of nine children ages four to 26 years of age.  After the passing of her husband, she goes the extra mile to continue her 18-year tradition of homeschooling her children but sees it as welcome effort. 

"The government is constantly stripping parents of basic rights, assuming these rights as their own.  I treasure my freedom to do what is right and my liberty to teach my children virtue.  I don't want some governmental agency telling me or my children what is right and wrong, as this has always been up to the parents," said Ms. Maher.

She continued, "Ron Paul's principles are thoroughly Christian, as he is the stalwart defender of peace through strength and treating our neighbors with respect, not contempt.  We need to let him awaken in us a sense of citizenship in the most traditional way, the constitutional way, the way our founding fathers laid it all out then and for future generations."

Proud mother of two and grandmother of eight Wanda Burdick has been in the homeschool movement since 1984.  The Burdick family has operated Teenworks, a tutoring assistance service that for about three decades has helped homeschool students learn from a Christian worldview.  It was featured in the Globe Gazette here and here.

"Having been involved with homeschooling since 1984, we appreciate the freedom to choose to homeschool.  Ron Paul supports that freedom and many other freedoms that we enjoy.  Dr. Paul believes that the federal government does not have the authority to intercede with children, acting against the wishes of parents when it comes to medical care, education, and other aspects of raising children," said Mrs. Burdick of Wesley.

Wrapping up this rollout are homeschoolers Steve and Cindy Anders of Council Bluffs, offering the following words of support:

"My family supports Ron Paul for President because of his well established, long record of strict constructionist interpretation of the Constitution.  Ron Paul believes in limited government and knows parents have the God-given right to educate their children, not the government.  Dr. Paul is the only candidate that can defeat Obama and bring our government and economy back down to the level the founding fathers intended," the Anders couple wrote.

Mr. Anders' support was showcased by The New York Times in a recent article detailing the extensive support Ron Paul receives from many voting segments. 

Those interested in joining the active "Homeschoolers for Ron Paul" nationwide coalition are encouraged to visit the official page by clicking here.  Those residing in the Hawkeye State should email Iowa Voter Outreach Director Meghann Walker at for more information about how to join.

Ron Paul Interview Surrogates
LAKE JACKSON, Texas - The Ron Paul 2012 Presidential campaign invites members of the major print, broadcast and online media to speak to Dr. Paul's interview surrogates.

Surrogate names and titles are as follows.  Please note that they are listed in the order of their availability.

Doug Wead, Senior Advisor for Coalitions

Gary Howard, National Press Secretary

Jack Hunter, Official Campaign Blogger

John Tate, National Campaign Manager

Jesse Benton, National Campaign Chairman

All surrogate interviews are booked through Megan Stiles, the campaign's National Media Coordinator, by emailing Ms. Stiles at

Ron Paul Endorsed by Pastor of Nora Springs Christian Church
Floyd County minister cites Dr. Paul's prolife stance and defense of traditional marriage in Congress
ANKENY, Iowa - 2012 Republican Presidential candidate Ron Paul received the endorsement of Glen E. Bandel, Pastor of the Nora Springs Christian Church, located in Floyd County.

"I am giving my support to Ron Paul as he seeks to be the next President of the United States.  Dr. Paul has shown his support of life for all unborn and to all living to old age.  He is only for marriage of one man and one woman and would enforce the federal Defense of Marriage Act," said Pastor Bandel.

"Dr. Paul has the best foreign policy of any candidate seeking the office, namely one that ends interfering in the business of other countries, brings our soldiers home to protect our country, and pays our domestic debts using money we currently send around the world," said Bandel.

Pastor Bandel added that, in making his endorsement, he was acting as a private citizen and not necessarily speaking on behalf of Nora Springs Christian Church congregants.

"We appreciate Pastor Bandel's endorsement, as it adds to the growing number of religious, civic, and political leaders whose endorsement brings us closer to a strong top-three caucus finish," said Ron Paul 2012 Iowa Chairman Drew Ivers.

Mike Heath, Iowa State Director for the Ron Paul 2012 campaign, is visiting Christian churches across Iowa to do outreach and discuss Ron Paul's candidacy.  To date, Heath has visited 256 houses of worship across the state toward that end.  Heath is an ordained Christian minister.

If ministering in Iowa, local pastors interested in discussing an endorsement are invited to email the Iowa Director of Voter Outreach, Meghann Walker, at


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