Supporters represent Adams, Clayton and Decatur counties and produce diverse crops, livestock
ANKENY, Iowa - The Iowa component of the Ron Paul 2012 Presidential campaign announced new members of its "Farmers for Ron Paul" nationwide coalition formed to energize voters in America`s unrivaled agricultural sector.

The new "Farmers for Ron Paul" members hail from Adams, Clayton and Decatur Counties.

"Due to the degradation of our Constitution, we no longer have the right to farm as we once did.  Hay is a toxic substance.  Grain and seed are owned by corporations.  Livestock is surveyed and tracked illegally, and we the farmer, are fined, harassed, prosecuted and our property subject to confiscation without hearing or warrant.  All I want to do is get up in the morning to a rooster crowing, enjoy the sunshine and live as a free American, in what was once the land of the free, but now is the home of the forgotten brave," said Jauson King of Corning. 

Ms. King owns 30 acres.  She produces hay crop, has 1,000 poultry livestock including ducks, ginnies, and chickens, and also owns on longhorn, and two horses.

"I'm attracted to Ron Paul because he's a fiscal conservative, for smaller government, and a supporter of the 10th Amendment.  Ron Paul wants to cut the EPA drastically which would mean less regulations for our business and we could then produce foods at a lower costs.  We would like to focus more time on producing foods and less on regulatory compliance," said Marcus Hagensick of Monona.

Mr. Hagensick operates a third generation, 200-acre family owned dairy farm his family has owned since the early 1940s.  They milk 40 cows and also produce corn and hay. 

"As a 34-year rancher, I say let farmers farm.  I believe Ron Paul will terminate paying farmers not to farm.  Farmers can and should produce alcohol for fuel, and the byproducts for livestock feed.  This country can no longer afford to pay people to sit at home and be unproductive.  Highly erodible land that shouldn't be farmed can be grazed or grow timber.  Idle people and idle land do not bode well for my country.  We have got to stop rewarding idleness," said Rodney Schmidt of Garden Grove, in reference to a U.S. Department of Agriculture Conservation Reserve Program provision.

Mr. Schmidt is retired now, and has sold most of his land.  He once owned 1,000 acres and was running 250 elk and herds of 30 to 45 buffalo.  At one point Mr. Schmidt had the biggest elk ranch in the Hawkeye State. 

Ms. King and Messrs. Hagensick and Schmidt now serve on the "Farmers for Ron Paul" national advisory board.  As a first basic step, those wanting to join the "Farmers for Ron Paul"coalition should visit

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