Thursday, September 29, 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm
South Park Presbyterian Church, 1501 30th Street, Rock Island
Business and property owners, residents, community leaders, and college and high school students are invited to participate in a Visual Preference Survey Workshop designed to gather instantaneous electronic opinions from participants that will eventually be incorporated into conceptual streetscape designs for the College Hill District.
The City of Rock Island has been engaged in a planning process with College Hill business stakeholders to create a future vision for this eclectic neighborhood business district centered around two nodes along 14th Avenue at 30th and 38th Streets. The City has commissioned The Lakota Group, a Chicago-based planning, urban design and landscape architecture firm, to help craft a Visual Preference Survey and facilitate a community Open House.
The purpose of the Visual Preference Survey is to introduce community character concepts that can influence streetscape and building facades and gauge stakeholder opinions regarding aesthetics of various elements and ideas. The survey will take the form of a PowerPoint presentation, using electronic key pad polling to create an interactive process with instantaneous results.
The survey will focus on the following design categories and/or elements:
- Overall District Character
- Streetscape/Landscape Design
- Building/Façade Improvements
- Building Height, Bulk and Setbacks
- Traffic Calming/Pedestrian Realm
- Public Spaces
- Branding/Signage and Identity
Following the survey, the consulting team will facilitate small group discussions concerning the character of the College Hill District and the preferences of the participants.
In addition to the conceptual streetscape designs, The Lakota Group will prepare a summary report of the findings that will help guide decisions about future College Hill District improvements. These elements will be incorporated into the College Hill District Revitalization Plan that is expected to be completed in late fall or early winter.
Support your neighborhood businesses, bring your ideas, and help mold the future of the College Hill District.